The Union United States Gazette

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US Civil War/History of the United States/United States of America

There were 24 states which remained loyal to the Union duringthe war:

During the discussions, the Iroquois leader Canassatego advocated the federal union of the American colonies, exhorting the colonists: Our wise forefathers established a union and amity between the original Five Nations. This has made us formidable. This has given us great weight and authority with our neighboring Nations.

California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine,Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, NewYork, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, andWisconsin.

The Union counted Virginia as well, and added Nevada and WestVirginia. It added Tennessee, Louisiana, and other rebel states assoon as they were reconquered.

What territories did not leave the Union during the Civil war?

Territories were not considered states thus they were not part of the union and could not have left it.

What were Michigan Minnesota Iowa and Oregon part of during the civil war?

They were all union states and had men in the union armies.

How many southern states were there during the civil war?

A total of 11 southern states were part of the Civil War in the United States. All would return to the union following the war.

Was slavery illegal in all of the states that were in the Union at the Civil War?

no it was not during the war Texas was still part of Mexico

How was Maine part of the Civil War?

When did the southern states become part of the Union again?

They became a part of the union after they lost the civil war.

Is the north the union?

Yes. The 'North' refers to those states that chose to remain part of the United States of America during the Civil War. Since they wanted to stay 'United' they are referred to as the 'Union.'

What four states were called the border states?

Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri were called border states during the Civil War. This is because they were slave states that remained part of the Union.

What did the union have during the Civil War?

the union had the napoleon feild gun, minie ball, the railroad, the telegraph and many more weapons. in battle the union usually had more soldiers and outnumbered the confederate. ** UNION- THE NORTHERN PART OF THE U.S.A DURING THE CIVIL WAR ** CONFEDERATE- THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE U.S.A DURING THE CIVIL WAR

Who did the US fight against during the civil war?

In any civil war, one part of a country is fighting against another part. In the case of the US Civil War, it was the northern states, also known as the Union, against the southern states, also known as the Confederacy.

Was New York a Confederate or Union State during the Civil War?

Was Wisconsin a confederate state or a union satate during the civil war?


How did Sam Houston feel about Texas seceding from the Union during the Civil War?

He thought Texas should stay part of the United States.

How are the civil war and the union related?

The Union was the name given to that part of the United States that had not joined the Confederacy.

Who was in the union during the Civil War?

During the American Civil War, the Union was a name used to refer to the federal government of the United States, which was supported by the twenty free states and five border slave states. It was opposed by 11 Southern slave states that had declared a secession to join together to form the Confederacy. Although the Union states included the Western states of California, Oregon, and (after 1864) Nevada, as well as states generally considered… Read More

Were the northern free states part of the union?

How did the southern states to get back into the Union after the Civil War?

The southern states were always part of the Union. They were the ones who wanted to leave. They weren't 'kicked' out.

Who fought for the Union during the Civil War?

The Civil War was fought because a group of states in the southern US wanted to split away and form a new nation that would be run the way they wanted. The 11 Southern states the broke away (or seceded) were known as the Confederate States. The Union were the remaining states within the United States that fought to keep the southern states as part of the country.

What were the states that joined the Union during the United States Civil War?

West Virginia was once part of Virginia. When Virginia declared secession from the United States to become part of the Confederacy, the counties in northwestern Virginia voted to secede from Virginia and remain loyal to the United States. That area of Virginia became West Virginia. During the Civil War West Virginia became the 35th U.S. state on June 20, 1863. Nevada was admitted into the Union on October 31, 1864 becoming the 36th state to… Read More

What states were not part of the union during World War 2?

If you are referring to the United States as the 'union' then the answer to that would be Hawaii and Alaska. If you are referring to the Union that I am thinking of, then that question is nonsensical. 'During the Civil War, the Union was a name used to refer to the federal government of the United States, which was supported by the 20 free states and five border slave states. It was opposed by… Read More


Why are the border states important to the union?

The Border States were a key part of the US Civil War. They were slave states that did not join the Confederacy, it was important for the Union to prevent that they did not secede and join the South.

What part of the us was slavery?

That would be the southern states. Those which were part of the Confederate States of America during the civil war..

What did Jamaica do during the Civil War?

Jamaica was still part of the British Empire during the American Civil War. So a loose answer is that the would have helped the Union.

How many states were part of the union during Bill Clinton presidency?

50- There have been fifty states in the union since Eisenhower was President.

The Confederacy and The Union?

Those were the two parts of America during the Civil War. The Confederacy was an attempt at forming a new nation, but Congress did not recognise it, and just referred to that region as 'the states in rebellion'. The Union was the other part, that remained loyal.

What two west coast states were part of the Union in 1863?

California and Oregon, were both part of the Union in 1863, and they were part of the Union when the US Civil War began, on April 12, 1861. California was admitted into the Union in 1850, and Oregon was admitted in 1859.

What part of Virginia did not leave the Union during the US Civil War?

All of Virginia left the Union during the Civil War. The people in the counties now a part of West Virginia, did not like slavery, sided with the Union, and were very easy for the Union troops to conquer. They became a separate state called West Virginia. This in part was due to the military operations led by Geeral George B. McClellan.

How did the southern state get back into the union after the civil war?

Well after the civil war Abraham Lincoln was so nice to the southern states and let tehm all come back to the union. But when the southern states lost the civil war they had to go back inot the union because when teh North won teh war it was a part of teh treaty to have the south rejoion the Union.

Why West Virginia left Virginia?

Sectional differences as early as 1775 led West Virginians to want independence from Virginia. They wanted to form Westsylvania but were denied. West Virginians felt that the plantation owners of Virginia controlled everything and ignored their needs. The Civil War gave them that opportunity. Since most living in West Virginia did not have slaves, they did not feel they needed to fight to defend slavery.

What states were part of the union during world war 2?

Did Idaho exist during the civil war?

It was not part of the United States of America Yet.

How many states remained part of the union?

what role did American Indians play in the civil war?

American Indians had no part to do with the Civil War. The war was between the Union(North) and Confederate States(South).

What Northern states participated in the US Civil War?

The Union United States Gazette

The Union states were: California Connecticut Delaware* Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky* Maine Maryland* Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri* Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New York Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont West Virginia* Wisconsin The Union (northern states) consisted of 23 states which were not a part of the Confederacy (southern states) during the Civil War. These states are listed above. Although some of these states are on the West Coast and others are in… Read More

Was there ever 52 states in US?

As the United States does not allow for the secession of a state once it enters the Union (that is, once joined, a state can never legally leave), and the current count of states is 50, there has never been 52 states. That is, it is legally impossible for more states to have once been part of the United States than the current count of states, at any given point in history. (Note: that even… Read More

Was Abraham Lincoln part of the North or South in the US Civil War?

Abraham Lincoln was the president of the north states. Therefore, he was part of the north during the civil war.

Who were the opposing sides of the Civil War?

In the American Civil war the opposing sides were the North (Union) and the South (Confederacy) of the US. The Confederates - the breakway slave-states of the Deep South and part of the Upper South. The Union - free soil states, plus four slave-states which had stayed loyal to the USA.

What side did Arkansas support during civil war?

Arkansas was a part of the Confederate States of America.

What part of the US is considered the south?

Labor Unions United States

the states which formed the confederation during the us civil war

Did the Union control the US Navy?

Yes - when the Civil War began, the U.S. Navy remained in control of the Union (the United States), while the secessionist States (Confederate States of America), established their own Navy. Naturally, there were vessels and men who were a part of the United States before the split, which became a part of the CSA Navy, but the U.S. Navy officially was the Navy of the Union.

What group of people formed a large part of the workforce in the union factories during the civil war?

Was Delaware part of the confederate state during US Civil War?

No. It was one of the buffer-states - slave-states that did not vote Confederate.

What are two cofederate states that start with an a?

During the Civil War, Alabama and Arkansas were part of the Confederate States of America. They begin with the letter A.

In what region are the states of Maryland and Virginia according to office of civil rights?

Do you mean in terms of, were they Northern or Southern states? Virginia was Confederate state and Maryland was a part of the Union.

Were the southern states confederate or union?

The southern states were Confederate states. The northern states were part of the Union. :)

What stats were considered a part of the Confederacy during the US Civil War?

Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, and Tennessee seceded from the Union. Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware were slave states that remained in the Union.

Which four states were called the border states?

The border states during the Civil War were Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri. They remained part of the United States but were also slave states.

Western Union United States

What was the first successful submarine during the civil war?

The name of the first successful submarine during the Civil War is the H.L. Hunley. It was a Confederate States of America sub., and it played a small part in the American Civil War.

How did part of the annexation of Texas cause the US Civil War?

If the state was brought into the union it would upset the balance of free and slave states.

Was Maryland part of the north or south during Civil War?

Maryland remained within the Union (the North) throughout the Civil War. However, many residents of Maryland sympathised with the Confederacy (the South) and a substantial Union military presence was maintained in the state to ensure that it stayed in the Union.