House Hightower Game Of Thrones

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House Hightower, of course, was the most prominent supporter of the greens in the Dance of the Dragons, and at least some Hightowers supported Daemon in the First Blackfyre Rebellion. Notably, Lord Manfred Hightower heeded the advice of the High Septon, and refused to march with King Mern of the Reach against Aegon the Conqueror.

House Hightower Game Of Thrones Cast

[RELEASE] A Game of Thrones v1.9.1Apr 14, 2019 18:18:51 GMTSer Jon Darry, bloodraven, and 11 more like this
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Post by knuckey on Apr 14, 2019 18:18:51 GMT

A Total Conversion Mod for Crusader Kings II

A Game of Thrones v1.9.1
Steam Workshop: LINK
Windows installer/exe: LINK
Mac / Linux / zipped files: LINK
Official Sub-mods: LINK
Checksum: WVMD
Compatible with: CK2 3.1
In a land where summers last for years and winters last for decades, nine great families struggle for control of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. Take control of a noble house, from the Starks of Winterfell to the Lannisters of Casterly Rock, and win the Iron Throne!
But remember, winter is coming.
Mac/Linux/Zipped files warning: The mod files must be copied to <Your Documents>/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings II/mod folder. We also recommend any previous mod files in this folder are deleted before copying the new version. Windows users have been provided with an installer that performs this function automatically, while Mac users can find detailed installation instructions in the manual
Warning: This mod is likely to be incompatible with 32bit systems with low memory. We recommend at least 4GB of memory on a 64bit system.
Patch 1.9.1 Notes
This is relatively small update making the mod compatible with CK2 3.1. There are however several new additions, and many more history and map updates.
- Updated mod for CK2 version 3.1

House Hightower Game Of Thrones Actor

- Many religions are now reofmrable, see dev diary for details:
- New coats of arms for Riverlands and Reach houses
- Tweaks and improvements to the map
- Many more history updates
- Find your own 'Dawn'
Full changelog below.

Version 1.9.1
- Updated mod for CK2 version 3.1
Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
- Made many tweaks and additions to the Holy Fury random world options. New settings include pirates, dragons, canon dynasties, night's watch and noble oligarchies
- Most religions without a religious head can now be reformed, using the Holy Fury mechanics if that DLC is active. New features:
- Cut-throat religion nature
- Elective, The Seven, Pro-Slavery, Anti-Slavery, Adoption and Blood Magic doctrines
- God-king religion leadership option
- Special doctrines for Drowned God, Naathi, Valyrian, Moonsingers and Rhoynar religions
- Adapted and modified most vanilla doctrines for the mod
- Added some more ways to gain Moral Authority for religions (winning wars, holding empires)
- Merged Bakkalon into Weeping Lady religion. Added event where Lyseni can pick a patron god.
- Modified game rule option to enable allowing all rulers to wear martial headgear, not just low rank rulers
- Reinstated male debubtantes for Hyrkooni cultures
- Added event detailing kin wealth inheritance
- Tweaked a bit post shadowbaby event for reachman lords. Now all of Tyrell vassals get it and AI result is more randomized
- If Renly submits to Stannis, Mace Tyrell joins them as well
- Starks now gain Ice from Tywin if they win their war in ACoK
- If Joffrey chooses Lannister-Baratheon dynasty Cersei now takes on that dynasty instead of Robert. Prevent Edric Storm being broken from the Baratheon tree. Not available if Lannisters/Cersei are player controlled in multiplayer.
- Added dynastic bloodlines for pirates and corsairs
- The 'Sword from heaven' now has Dawn equivalent stats, but is much rarer to obtain
Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):
- Gave Rhaegar Targaryen ambitious trait
- Made some databse fixes in CoB submod
- Taken out Lord Beric's eye
- Made Dondarrions neutral in ACOK and AFFC
- Made Robert and Thoros friends
- Changed King Robert's Hammer and Fury from regular to enormous flagships as they were significantly larger than most of ships from our story
- Made Robin 'Darkrobin' Darklyn younger
- Kept silver hair of Ulf White and Hugh Hammer but made them western valyrians in game
- Added Gyles Greycloak, knight of kingsguard infamous for being a turncloak, placed him around the time of Third Blackfyre Rebellion
- Removed Greycloak nickname from Gyles Belgrave, as he was different person sharing onyl the same name
- Added Viola Redwyne, sister of Olenna Redwyne from the show
- Removed nightswatch trait from Harrold Celtigar
- Added Desmond Hardyng from Game of Thrones Game
- Added Errold Holt from Telltale Game
- Made Cley Cerwyn friend to Stark brothers
- Fixed death date of Daryn Hornwood
- Made Hoster Blackwood tall and weak
- Made Tytos Blackwood malnourished in AFFC scenario
- Gave strong trait to Jonos Bracken
- Gave 'fine armour' artifacts to Big and Little Walders as they brought really ornate and rich suits of armour with them to Winterfell
- Changed Steffon Varner into son of existing Steffon Varner and renamed his father to Titus Varner. Steffon Varner is counted among young knights of summer by lady cat. He is now also lustful and proud.
- Changed death reason of Wat the Hewer to be executed by Maegor the Cruel
- Made Steffon Varner slightly more handsome
- Changed Tytos Blackwood's hair to black
- Changed Jonos Bracken's hair to brown
- Gave Harry Rivers (Bracken) dna copied from some ser random to ensure he have blond hair
- Made Jonos Bracken slightly like Blackfish, since he admited to Jaime that he does like him
- Changed name_tier of Hardvale so Hardyngs can be landed knights
- Made Yurkhaz zo Yuznak 21 older as he was super-old instead of just old
- Gave traits lustful, gluttonous and brawny to Bloodbeard
- Made Alliser Thorne and Glendon Hewett friends
- Added trait Lustful to ser Malegorn of the Redpool
- Added trait Poet to ser Guyard the Green
- Added trait Drunkard to ser Brus Buckler
- Made Antario Jast and his sons prisoners of Robb Stark after Oxcross battle
- Made Antario Jast malnourished after his imprisonment
- Added megawar entries for lords Greenfield, Jast and Farman in Reynes of Castamere. General theme of this war is that all lords are neutral and they used to be before making them sworn directly to CR at some point of development. So i find this an oversight.
- Made Strongboar prisoner of lord Piper after Battle of Fords
- Gave Strongboar Robert Baratheon's properties as he was looking really like him
- Added outcome and rewards from Hands Tourney. Sandor and Loras have now modifiers for their 1st and 2nd places from start
- Added haircut for Lord Benedar Belmore
- Added DNA and haircut for Ser Symond Templeton
- Added Garrison Moreland, Gyles Langward, Symon Qorgyle, Mallador Brax from Game of Thrones Game
- Tweaked house Roxton during the main series based on Game of Thrones Game
- Corrected name of Irinna Sarwyck to Elyana
- Corrected dates of Sarwyck and Arwood Harlton deaths
- Added additional Lord Flint, so Flints are descended from him and not Lord Commander Rodrik Flint
- Listed Cerenna and Tya Westford as murdered by Alester Sarwyck and Valarr Hill
- Placed Lord Commander Runcel Hightower and his bastard son hundred years later
- Corrected error where Lord Abros Goodbrook was missing in Goodbrook title history
- Added portrait and traits to Josella Mallister from Blood of Dragons
- Added Elsabeth Caswell, sister of Lord Armond Caswell from Blood of Dragons and gave some traits to their parents
- Made Meredyth Darklyn member of House Hollard
- Added shy trait to Jeona Tyrell
- Corrected error where Lin of Eustace Hunter was erroneously called line of Gerold
- Added additional generation between Lord Robert Redwyne and Lord Redwyne who fought for Aegon II during Dance
- Made Goldwynes dynasty start earlier, so that they already appear in the earliest bookmark
- Prevented from Paxter Redwyne getting random nightswatch brothers and uncles in certain dates
- Added some non-canon marriages and family members to House Redwyne
- Fixed error where Kell Serry was wrongly listed as female
- Added Maeva Serry, Lorianne Hewett, Renys Serry from Blood of Dragons
- Gave Yohn Royce duelist trait
- Added third daughter of Yohn Royce
- Corrected marriage date of Mychel Redfort and Ysilla Royce
- Made Robar Royce tough_soldier instead of elusive_shadow
- Corrected Waymar Royce birthdate
- Added granddaughters of Yohn Royce to whom he was mentioned to plan marry Harrold Hardyng
- Made Igon Vyrwel captain of Tyrell household guard
- Made Robin Ryger captain of Tully household guard and made him skilled fighter in his youth
- Made Utherydes Wayn steward of Riverrun
- Made Desmond Grell fat in his late years
- Given his appendix nickname (the Red) to Dontos Hollard and made him lose his knighthood in 299.1.1 instead of at the date of his death
- Gave Anya Waynwood charismatic_negotiator and diligent traits
- Made Geremy Frey marry Carolei Waynwood later
- Made Morton Waynwood older
- Gave Wallace Waynwood kind trait
- Added more children to Morton Waynwood as his mother Anya was mentioned to have grandsons and graddaughters
- Corrected error where Lysandro Rogare's bastards were listed as children of his wife
- Added Denys Redwyne, father of Lord Paxter Redwyne to have_canon_family_trigger
- Corrected Jaynce Hunter name to Janyce and gave her mother
- Added Darcia Dalt, Garwin Toland, Gwyn Toland, Jyalla Toland, Danella Toland, Iona Toland, Tywell Rowan, Andrys Rowan, Thoryn Saltcliffe, Rhiannyn Saltcliffe, Aeron Saltcliffe, Carys Saltcliffe, Astryd Pyke, Amaena Prester, Finley Prester, Nerys Hill, Roldan Fowler, Islene Vaith, Nyrene Jordayne, Darren Jordayne, Jaran Jordayne, Maerra Jordayne from Blood of Dragons
- Added Clement Buckler and Waymar Waxley from Game of Thrones Game
- Removed Lord Rymond Waxley of Crab's Shore since it's far more likely that Martin made an error in appendix instead of intending to be knightly and lordly branches
- Made first wife of Lord Lyonel Corbray die later
- Changed birth dates of Lyman Lannister children so that Tyler Hill is his oldest child
- Made Franklyn Farman and Rhaena Targaryen rivals on the day of Marq Farman's death
- Gave Lysa Farman fair trait
- Removed dupicate Karlon Stark
- Based on Jon Snow description of shields hanging in Shieldhall, made some non canon Lord Commanders members of the houses whose shields were displayed there - Bolton, Wull, Tyrell, Cerwyn, Tallhart, Templeton, Stackspear, Orme and Buckler
- Added Franklyn Fossoway and his descendants from Blood of Dragons
- Made Liera Fossoway, mother of Steffon Fossoway and Lady of Cider Hall and marrieh her to her cousin Alfryd Fossoway
- Made Belion Chester and Septon Mattheus Florent fat
- Corrected date of establishing cadet branch of House Fossoway by ser Raymun Fossoway
- Adde Liera Fossoway, mother of Steffon Fossoway to have_canon_family_trigger
- Added recent characters for houses Brownbarrow, Grayson, Elliver, Mazin and Dormund
- Added Porther, Cayn and his son Calon, Desmond and Fat Tom's wife
- Made heads of houses Elliver, Grayson and Brownbarrow friends of Gregor the Good, since they were considered his allies
- Changed religion of ancient Lockes into old_gods
- Killed Willam Dustin uncle and great-uncle in battle of the Trident ad possible reason why they haven't contested Barbrey Dustin inheriting Barrowton
- Slightly changed Dustin family tree, so that cousins of Willam Dustin descend from his uncle and great-uncle
- Removed non canon Flints of Flint's Cliffs
- Moved Jeyne and Beony Beesbury to reach.txt and made them daughters of Lord Warryn Beesbury
- Killed Jeyne Beesbury since Rhaegar Frey was widower when he courted Wynafryd Manderly
- Made Bertram Beesbury son of Lord Warryn Beesbury
- Made Hugh Beesbury younger
- Added ancient history for houses Grayson, Elliver and Brownbarrow
- Made Rodrik Ryswell's cousins barons since they were said to be his bannermen
- Added sons of Roose Bolton which died in the cradle
- Adjusted relation of Ryswell cousins to the main line
- Made Harlon Greyjoy die a bit later
- Removed bastard daugther of Euron since there was no mention of him having any daughter
- Corrected Lucimore and Sargon Botley to be half-brothers of Lord Sawane
- Corrected Benarion Botley name to Bennarion
- Made Boremund cousin to Rodrik, Harras and Hotho, rather than brother to Hotho
- Made daughter of Hotho Harlaw fair haired
- Gave Gylbert Farwynd trusting and lunatic traits
- Gave Harras Harlaw brave trait
- Gave Baelor Blacktyde charismatic_negotiator, fair, familyperson and zealous traits
- Gave Tristifer Botley fair and chaste traits
- Changed dynasty of Gwynesse Harlaw's husband to Saltcliffe and made him father of Donnor Saltcliffe
- Changed two eldest Kettleblack's education from 1st tier martial to 3rd tier diplomatic
- Added imprisonment entry for Kettleblack brothers. It goes beyond our last start date but i figured it is best to have it for future.
- Made history of Jaime's maiming far more detailed
-- Added imprisonement by Vargo Hoat and Roose Bolton
-- Added infected wound to Vargo Hoat
-- Adjusted opinions from Cersei, Jaime and Tywin toward Vargo after mutiliation
-- Made Vargo prisoner of Mountain after he took Harrenhal
-- Changed date of second imprisonement of Wylis Manderly, so it matches up with Roose Bolton's story
-- Added mutiliation and death of Vargo Hoat (death by torture)
-- Unactivated Brave Companions after Harrenhal was taken by Mountain
-- Matched Brienne's imprisonment periods with Jaimes
-- Added employers for Brienne (Robb - Joff - Tommen)
- Added entry for Brienne's disfigurement and capture by LSH, for future purpouses.
- Gave Sybell Spicer fair and ruthless traits
- Gave Raynald Westerling kind, gregarious and brave traits
- Gave Rollam Westerling honorable and brave traits
- Gave Jeyne Westerling kind and familyperson traits and made her depressed after death of Robb
- Gave Gawen Westerling indulgent_wastrel and honorable traits
- Made Lyonel Baratheon formidable fighter
- Made Florian Trant lord of Gallowsgrey as for some reason he wasn't listed as one, while being progenitor of house Trant
- Corrected death of Lord Errol who was burned by Meraxes
- Adjusted Caron family tree in earliest scenarios as around 8010 there was supposed to be reigning Lord Caron who got captured along with his wife and children by Lord Fowler
- Added Robert Caron, father of Lady Ellyn Caron to have_canon_family_trigger
- Made Byron Swann son of the reigning Lord of Stonehelm during Dance of Dragons and made him employed by Borros Baratheon
- Corrected Hobert Hightower death date
- Gave dna and properties to Raynald and Jeyne Westerling
- Gave properties to Rolph Spicer
- Corrected error where Harrison Appleton was for some reason believer of old gods
- Gave Alyn Stokeworth tough_soldier, diligent and just traits
- Unified death date of Mummer's Ford casualties and set Mountain as Gladden Wylde's killer
- Corrected Patrek Vance of Atranta spouse
- Added Lord Deremond Darry as Lord Darry suring Blackfyre Rebellion
- Changed a bit ages of some Darrys
- Removed some non-canon Coxes and Hawthornes, since we have a code that generates random kin anyway
- Made Lorimer and Lymond Lydden lords of Deep Den and Goldroad as they weren't previously for some reason
- Listed Jeyne Westerling, Alys Harroway and Elinor Costayne as Maegor's wives after their deaths for history sake
- Made Osmund Strong head of the Strong family since apparently Strongs were landed knights
- Gave Lyonel Strong lustful and just traits
- Added three wives of Lord Lyonel Strong
- Added Gaston Roxton, Celessa Roxton, Rymella Meadows, Rynos Prester, Morya Goodbrook, Andreon Goodbrook, Allene Serry, Kylman Leygood, Ardrik Hill, Elyne Lefford, Cersei Lefford, Romond Lefford from Blood of Dragons
- Adjusted Darklyn family tree a bit
- Corrected birth date of Dontos Hollard
- Corrected year of Defiance of Duskendale
- Gave Donal Noye dynasty
- Made Bennard Brune of Brownhollow distant relative of Gyles Rosby and gave him weak claim to rosby
- Made Donal Noye one_handed instead crippled
- Added Lollys Dondarrion, Jenera Butterwell, Deryn Mallister, Larmyn Templeton, Calla Fossoway, Joran Drox, Dormund Drox, Jorelle Drox, Thomas Hastwyck, Tommard Hastwyck, Jonah Hastwyck, Lucelle Roxton, Tancred Roxton, Elvyra Roxton, Samson Tarly from Blood of Dragons
- Corrected Ambrose Butterwell age
- Made slight corrections to Butterwell family tree to match descriptions given to ancestors of Ambrose
- Corrected Serenei of Lys arrival in Westeros and made her daughter Shiera born the same year she died
- Added Qarlon Banefort, Tomas Cordwayner, Petyr Shermer, Lester Cuy to have_canon_family_trigger
- Added Banefort, Cordwayner, Shermer and Cuy family trees from Blood of Dragons
- Added Erik Peckledon, husband of defiled Tyshara Lannister and their offspring from Blood of Dragons
- Added Siane Goodbrook, Hoster Staedmon, Edmyria Staedmon, Lanna Staedmon, Hanna Staedmon, Tallard Staedmon, Lucamore Staedmon, Sella Haigh, Ackard Grandison, Arrene Grandison, Alyne Grandison, Mysanna Egen, Bradwyn Hunter, Bronwyn Hunter, Mayne Waynwood, Faren Waynwood, Hemona Swyft, Olyra Hunter, Bedryn Pryor, Else Pryor, Alladar Pryor from Blood of Dragons
- Corrected age of Queen Teora Hunter and made her mother of Mathos Arryn
- Added Melcolm family tree from Blood of Dragons
- Added Jeron Melcolm, Dorik Melcolm to have_canon_family_trigger
- Gave dna and properties to Donnel Darklyn
- Removed beard from Aerion Brightflame
- Removed beards from Daeron II, Baelor Breakspear, Valarr Targaryen Daeron the Drunken, Lyonel Baratheon
- Gave dna and properties to Manfred Dondarrion
- Gave dna and properties to Steffon Fossoway
- Gave dna and properties to Raymun Fossoway
- Gave dna and properties to Duncan the Tall
- Gave dna and properties to Glendon Flowers
- Gave dna and properties to Alyn Ashford
- Gave dna and properties to Tommard Heddle
- Gave dna and properties to Ambrose Butterwell
- Gave dna and properties to Eustace Osgrey
- Gave dna and properties to Alyn Cockshaw
- Gave dna and properties to Gormon Peake
- Made Matarys Targaryen slightly younger
- Added Lord Florent as employer of Arlan of Pennytree
- Gave wroth trait to Glendon Flowers
- Gave proud and gluttonous traits to Lord Alyn Ashford
- Made Lord Alyn Cockshaw a bit younger
- Made son of Alyn Cockshaw his nephew instead
- Added Artos Royce, Elesa Arryn of Gulltown, Odwell Royce, Lyanna Royce, Cerana Banefort, Jeyne Royce, Derrett Royce, Adden Royce, Jenei Bracken, Morya Charlton, Erick Mallister, Doreth Mallister, Robyn Piper, Matthis Fossoway from Blood of Dragons
- Gave Qhorin Halfhand martialy_ambidexterous modifier if player have Reapers Due DLC enabled
- Set Halfhand's death reason to duel with Jon Snow as his killer
- Gave 'Huge' trait to Small Paul
- Changed Iron Emmett to be formidable fighter
- Added skilled warrior to Donal Noye, since he killed giant while being one-handed
- Added Sunglass, Wells trees from Blood of Dragons
- Added Janylla Hollard, Leonylla Buckwell, Raston Buckwell, Mathan Allyrion, Sherett Follard, Willas Follard, Lene Staunton, Luwin Boggs, Hallen Hardy, Benjen Hardy, Bandon Hardy, Tylos Borrell, Berion Borrell, Marei Borrell, Macella Lychester, Edmund Lychester, Elroy Lychester, Lorell Lychester, Jenny Haigh, Jonalla Hamell, Ethan Lydden, Lewys Lydden from Blood of Dragons
- Added Sherett Follard, Clemond Sunglass, Wellard Sunglass and Theobard Wells to have_canon_family_trigger
- Added Tansy Waters, secret bastard of Aegon the Unworthy by Farena Lydden from Blood of Dragons
- Made all Rogares followers of the Weeping Lady since it has been merged with Bakkalon and Larra Rogare was mentioned to pray to Bakkalon
- Made Dolorous Edd very distant cousin of Lord Tollett since his family was apparently almost as poor as peasants
- Made Dolorous Edd eight years younger(his exact age is unknown)
- Added brother of Dolorous Edd killed by a bear mentioned in one of his stories
- Listed Amory Lorch as killer of Yoren
- Corrected age and date of Yoren's joining to Night's Watch
- Gave Yoren hunchback trait instead of one_handed as he suffered only from shoulder injury
- Added squire trait to Dolorous Edd
- Fixed error concerning nickname the old ox
- Fixed error where Lord Simon Swann did not held Stonehelm
- Removed education trait from Arya
- Added Ser Chad Summerchild
- Corrected error wher Corlys Velaryon of Kingsguard was born on 79801 instead of 7980
- Made some tweaks to Noble Oligarchy inheritance maintenance
- Orys Baratheon is no longer legitimised when made a Baratheon (ensure Visenya or Rhaenys inherit)
- Made it easier for Aegon to take multiple wives
- Cruel trait is now a more likely coin flip outcome
- Valyrian mines can now be built in any owned valyrian province if the owner has a the required slave camps.
- It is no longer possible to immediately fire councillors who negotiated their position during annexation
- Made small powers less likely to demand recompense from larger realms
Graphics and portraits:
- Major rework of Riverman and Reachman CoA's (implementation by kuczaja)
- Added dynamic CoA for house Caswell
- Added a special CoA
- Added Barbrey Dustin's flag to dynamic coa system, made by Foxwillow
- Tied houses Weatherwax and Whitewater to their CoA's
- Adjusted holy sites location for some pre-reformed religions.
- Moved Old Gods holy site from Castle Black to Storm's End
- Adjusted pre-doom old gods holy sites
- Taken Penrose duchy away
- Made Conningtons dukes before Aerys exiled them
- Given Rainwood province to Conningtons before Aerys exiled them
- Made Blackwater Rush and Kingswood duchy vacant since Thornes and Bywaters are minor houses
- Removed Sarsfield duchy and transfered its province to Castamere duchy
- Made Errols dukes of Wendwater instead of Bucklers
- Made Harroways dukes of Bay of Claws before they were overthrown by Maegor
- Added d_fair_isle, one province duchy
- Shortened impassable mountains in northern Westerlands
- Made Lyddens high lords of Gold Road instead of Paynes
- Transfered deep den to high lordship of Gold Road in exchange for Brent Brook
- Slightly reshaped few provinces in Westerlands
- Made Craynes Lords of Crab's Shore since this province is now free
- Removed non canon Spearmouth branch of Stouts and renamed Spearmouth to Goldgrass, while removing b_goldgrass
- Landed house Elliver in empty barony in Dreadfort
- Landed house Grayson in empty barony in Hornwood
- Landed house Mazin in empty barony in Bear Island
- Landed house Brownbarrow in new barony in Barrowton
- Moved house Strickland to Scorched Vale in the Vale, returned Appleton to Appletons and given pre-meadows Blueburn duchy to Merryweathers
- Made Inchfields lords of Inchfield for all time
- Removed Roseroad modifier from longtable and added it to Leygood Keep
- Redrawn provinces in Mandervale Roseroad and Blueburn
- Moved Dunstonbury south of Cider Hall
- Removed duchy from Meadows. Temporary until we decide what do with it post-Merrywaether
- Swapped Inchfield and Darkdell
- Swapped Wyndhall and Brent Brook
- Swaped provinces of Oxcross and Tendring, but retained Brooms as direct lords of Oxcross and kept Yarwycks in their current location
- Changed passing through Mander from Cider Hall-Darkdell to Dunstonbury-Darkdell
- Renamed b_frogpool to b_rushingfalls after canon village near God's Eye
- Renamed b_salmonby to b_crossedelms after canon village near God's Eye
- Renamed b_swamplake to b_donnelwood after canon village in Riverlands
- Renamed b_greenfield_a to b_threepennywood after canon village in Riverlands
- Renamed b_broadfield to b_longleaf after canon village in Riverlands
- Renamed b_hartshead to b_fieldstone after canon village in Riverlands
- Renamed b_broadstream to b_sweetwillow after canon village in Riverlands
- Renamed b_wayfarersrest2 to b_bechester after canon village in Riverlands
- Renamed b_wayfarersrest3 to b_swynford after canon village in Riverlands
- Renamed b_erenfordtown to b_spiderwood after canon village in Riverlands
- Renamed b_waterfordd to b_sludgypond after canon sept in Riverlands
- Renamed c_redfork province to Fieldstone after canon village in Riverlands
- Renamed c_darkmoor province to Stonyhead after canon location in the foothills of the Mountains of the Moon
- Placed b_tumblerfalls under Stoney Sept and added canon village of Briarwhite under Atranta(Briarwhite was canonically located in that area)
- Made historically Manderlys lords of mandervale while Peakes lords of Cockleswhent and Yelshire
- Changed name_tier of red fork to barons
- Changed name_tier of Drinkwaters to barons, as father of Gerris was landed knight serving Lord Yronwood
- Removed duchy from Ullers
- Made House Shells rulers of Great Desert
- Made Harvest Hall slightly smaller province
- Big rework of Dorne political setup
-- Removed defacto duchy of Ghosthills
-- Made Tolands direct vassals of Martells
-- Made Jordayne's vassals of Yronwoods
-- Swapped provinces Great Desert and Nymerwell
-- Made house Wells vassal of Yronwood
-- Removed baronies b_vart, b_vaith, b_fiendshand, b_seashellshall, b_dunstables, b_cronesrock
-- Upgraded Skyreach to 5-tier castle
-- Added thin layer of impassable sea on southern dornish coast, thus making dorne more defensive location and lowered attrition limit
-- Redrawn provinces in western dorne (Blackmont is now bordering Skyreach and made less secluded)
-- Redrawn Red Mountains impassable mountains
- Made Harvest Hall slightly bigger province
- Changed slightly shape of Kanet, Crag and Castamere provinces
- Renamed Kanet to Golden Hills and gave it to Algoods and made it sworn to the Westerlings
- Removed algood hall barony
- Added Tyrells to Westbrook in Pre-doom bookmarks
- Changed name_tier of Griffin's Roost to baron so that when Conningtons lose duchy they are named Sers
- Changed how defunt cultures are tracked (using variables instead of the bugged flags). Should hopefully stop save bloat problem.
- Summer Islanders are now a true cognatic culture
- Creating the Jogos Nhai empire/kingdom is no longer restricted by religion
- The Citadel society is now active even when Monks and Mystics is not active (player must still own it to join)
Internal Scripting:
- Changed how pre-doom Essos titles are set up. Removed copies of essos_titles, and moved dejure/holy site setup to roberts_rebellion_events. Valyrian titles added to Pre Doom Map folder.
- Merged pre-doom province histories into single files in the main mod
- Made some validator fixes
- Fixed independent Elos in Valyrian Freehold submod
- Fixed pirate and ironborn invasions not being able to target vacant duchies/high lordships
- Fixed 'Bastardise Daeron the Good' decision not being available before 8196
- Fixed first night bastards always having father's bloodlines
- Funeral events should no longer trigger for randomly generated characters on day 0
- Fixed J's kids not getting R's bloodline if lineage confirmed
- Fixed relatives on foreign tour refusing marriages that they themself found
- Fixed devil worhsipper event overriding strong with feeble
- Joffrey and siblings are now removed from Baratheon bloodline if bastardised
- Fixed Tommen dynasty choice event not triggering
- Fixed bug with house Shell not being sworn to Planky Town
- Removed 'cultural tech' reference to vanilla earned bloodlines
- Fixed Dany sometimes still retaining city of Meereen if she chooses to leave Slaver's Bay
- Fixed collapsed colonies sometimes making the province become inactive if a nomadic province
- Fixed nomads not being able to build temples in their lands
- Fixed interregnums started by force not transferring back the capital once the great council is concluded

Cabezaestufa: Founder/Map creator, General Coding Support, Events, DNA, Balancing, Bugfixing, North Content, Misc. Graphics, Team Management.
Knuckey: Project Leader, Scripting, History Work, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, 'Megawars'
Scripting & Coding:
Galle: Events, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, DND, Localisation, Fighting Traits and the Duel Engine, New Plots, AI Work, Nightswatch/wildlings content
Sunspear: Coding, Events, Riverland Content, Bugfixing, Positioning Tool, Balancing, misc. Graphics, Personal Interaction, Faceless Men, Dragons.
Ogaburan (Ran Miller): Events, Westerland & Frey, Minor Families Filler, DNA, New Education System, Kingsguard, Knights, Bugfixing, Balancing, Misc. Graphics.
Fashbinder: Event scripting/balance, Trial by court, Nightswatch/wildlings content, Harrenhal restoration, R'hllor Magic, Reforged Swords, VSS Quest.
Toccs: Essos work, General Coding Support, DNA, Many History Updates/Improvements, Far East map creator, White Walkers.
blackninja9939: Event Scripting, Legitimise Cadets, Make a Noble, General Coding, Bugfixing, Forresters, Conquest of Dorne Events.
Rodri: Event, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, Dynasty tracing, Trial by Combat, Hereditary Valyrian Swords, New Ambitions.
kuczaja: Event Scripting, map improvements, Historical character histories
Zarine: General Coding Support, New Battle System, Translations, Bugfixing.
Stiener (DanJonMin): CoA placeholders, Events, Iron Islands content, Localization, Misc. Graphics.
Wolfgang Pauli: Maintenance Events, Rescue CB, Testing, CoA Graphics.
Etel: Grell-conversion Work.
black_imperator: Events.
Riso: Merged features from mods like CK2+ and Better Rebels, Misc. Coding.
HuskyWolf: Scripted a bit and added some traits.
Waylit: Special siege events mod.
Comradebot: Farwynd skinchanger events, Ironborn event ideas
Tompalmer : Event scripting.
StoneTheCrow/Tycho: Valyrian Swords, history improvements, bug fixes.
Jenks: Event scripting
JadenNooby : Rhoynar+ water magic events
Edric_Storm: Dynasty CoA Artist, Dynamic CoA Generator Graphics (higher res, new designs), New CoA Templates (fabric banner and hide versions).
the_hdk: Crownlands initial Content, Dynasty CoA Artist, Title Flags, New CoA Template (leather version), New Skinchanger trait icons and misc icons.
Rabid Bogling: Dynasty CoA and Title flags Artist. Qartheen Portraits. Dynamic CoA Overhaul.
StGeorge: Icons & Loading Screens.
Nerfherder: Portrait improvements, white walker portraits, artifact images and many other graphics improvements
talias: Trait icons, Titular Kingdoms
Jorian Drake: Dynasty CoA and title flags artist.
foxwillow: Dynasty CoA Artist
marowa: Artifact icons and ideas
Peuri: Portrait Graphics (including concept and design).
dauncosony: Portrait Graphics (including concept and design).
Velho e Bom Joe: City models and textures.
Amok: Much of his artwork used for event pictures:
Starkweather: Valyrian children portraits, Titular Kingdoms
DarkReborn: Ghiscari portraits, Religion Icons
revisionist: Ghiscari Dynamic CoA.
hibludij: High Valyrian clothes
tem: Basilisk Island, Sothoryos flags, Lhazar flags
Midnighty: Summer Islands flags
Mavrosh: Map textures (lava, black rock and red earth):
Arko: Interface improvements
Choccy: Valyrian/Rhllor CoA
LancelotLoire: Old White Walker portraits
Attiris: Holding images and other misc graphics
Lysten: Northman portraits
Misc CoAs/Graphics: HMAS-Nameless, Molleby, Smoesville, Micxzu, Pageman, Myrik_Justiciar, deloswerty, azaghal, Vystas, Beast
Fededorian : Brindlemen portraits
Chrisjm89: Historical character histories.
Paxter Redwyne: Historical character histories (including Fire and Blood updates).
Hobbes MkII: Historical character histories
Cidellus: Historical character histories
Tompalmer: Historical corrections and community management.
Initial Content: ThePiglet, Hroppa, AlecTrevelyan006, Helios Ra, Jazthesentinel, Maginor
Wiki Links: Rhoedon, ThatOtherGuy642, wuschbaam, lesh
Clash of Kings Scenario:
Tompalmer: Scenario Design Lead
Mug bubule, Nacodaco, Knuckey, Hobbes MkII, C_moore, HuskyWolf
Original Music :
Aurélien Benharrats (
Translations & Localization:
Werther (French Lead)
French: R.Graymarch, Ysalaine, Merela, Ereksen, Sand, Yunyuns, Quentyn Tully, Lestival, tompalmer, Stannis, Lord Riusma, BiatchDeluxe, Paillard
Dany Quest: Loafcake, jimthepocket, MBjarno, blackninja9939, JON SNOWSTARK, EDAP, KnightKing
Spanish: Osuna, Darkhorse27, Bysne, DiTo/DiToMz, Juanen, zaxonemesis
German: Loomis
Sparqman, pulcherada, SinStar87, fastrike, Pekay
Eras Biographies: Vystas, Fegelein, jankmaster98, Wilsonator, BFKelleher, 'Legitimized Jon Snow', Patency, Hawke, 'Shoshon The Elegant', TMSaxon, SerJaecerysStorm, MBjarno, Rubidium, Lingvort, pottman
Special thanks for french proofreading: Merela, Graymarch, Sand, Hawkin, Pandémie, Suwan
'Dom (JonSnoooow)' Saint_Esteban 'Ser Ham'
Smoesville Karuga ItsAtrap
Dingo lychnidos Kingsgrave
DadeRoyal 'Benjen Coldwater' daddytorgo
philosophert nudu Greatjon
Zirael Narf GoogleSearch
xoatl 'Daemon Blackfyre' EDAP
SerBrightflame SinStar87 hjkh123
fastrike Soulbourne Slavicist
Mitza8 tirion1987 Tiranasta
Pekay Galrun stale
TheCed ZeroXemnas djtzen
erbkaiser Green 'Solid Snake'
Special Thanks To:
Grell74 for his original Crusader Kings mod, from which we took many things (spoiler warning)
Culturally Different Cities for our city graphics.
Friends & Foes for trait ideas & iconography templates
The Prince and the Thane for some of our ambitions
Alphanos's shortcuts mod
Dungeons and Sieges mod
Lupus Agnum mod
NB+/New Borders mod
Elder Kings mod
Ransom all minimod for various names
Captain Gars and Divine, Paradox User mod Coordinators
La Garde de Nuite for help with the French translation. for all it's information and resources, including many CoA graphics
Paradox Interactive for their great game
George R. R. Martin for his awesome books

Please don't post bug/problem reports in this thread, please use the bug report

Around here we’re not shy about laying into the Emmy-winning series Game of Thrones, especially as it’s now reaching the point of self-parody. For this reason, we’re adamant about #StoppingTheConflation between the show and the books it’s “based on,” George R.R. Martin’s saga A Song of Ice and Fire. But hey, that’s right…remember those books? The ones that we tend to enjoy a whole lot with its complex characters, thought-provoking messaging, and thorough world-building?

Let’s just take a bit of time to dive into that last bit and refresh ourselves on one small aspect of what makes Westeros great: the houses. While much talk is made of the “great houses” and their histories and current circumstances, we want instead to take a closer look at some of the most [in]famous secondary houses. The following houses have either shaped historical events or have significantly impacted the current events of Westeros.

House Hightower

There cannot be a list of powerful secondary houses in Westeros without the Hightowers. An ancient house, not only do they command the second largest city in Westeros (Oldtown), but they’re also the most powerful bannermen in the Reach under the Tyrells. Commanding the Hightower, the wealth of Oldtown, hosting the Citadel, and the Starry Sept are impressive enough, but this doesn’t begin to scratch the surface of the political powerful this family can wield.

Look no further than the Dance of Dragons. When Lady Alicent Hightower married King Viserys I Targaryen, she drew her family into a powder keg over a generation in the making. Having declared his only child, Queen Rhaenyra, as his heir, it was only a matter of time before enmity developed between daughter and step-mother. And when Lady Alicent gave birth to four children, three sons, and one daughter, well…

Through the political machinations of Lady Alicent and her father, Ser Otto (the Hand of the King), King Viserys’ I death marked the beginning of one of the bloodiest civil wars in Westerosi history. The Hightowers, also known as the Greens, fought for Lady Alicent’s children to sit the Iron Throne, while Queen Rhaenyra and her supporters, the Blacks, fought to keep her claim as heir.

When the dust settled, House Targaryen was decimated, and nearly all of its dragons dead. (The last would die out in King Aegon III Targaryen’s reign.) All of Lady Alicent’s children were killed, and her three grandchildren were murdered. Ser Otto Hightower was executed by Queen Rhaenyra, and Lady Alicent’s brother, Ser Gwayne, was slain by his own commander. Lord Ormund Hightower and his cousin, Ser Brynden, also perished in the war, both slain by Lord Roderick Dustin in the Battle of Tumbleton. Lady Alicent remained a hostage to King Aegon III for the rest of her days, as Queen Rhaenyra’s children with Prince Daemon Targaryen ultimately inherited the throne, even if the Dance had started the beginning of the end for their dynasty.

The Hightowers left their thumbprint on Westeros, arguably, more than any other house save for the Targaryens or the Baratheons. Without the Dance, the dragons would have lived, and with the dragons, well, House Targaryen might still be sitting the Iron Throne to this day.

House Frey

There once was a time when House Frey of the Crossing was known for the power and gallantry of their Lord, Forrest Frey. Once a suitor for Queen Rhaenyra, he joined the Blacks and died while valiantly fighting the Greens in the Battle by the Lakeshore.

Oh, how times have changed. Under their current Lord, the ancient Lord Walder Frey, the house has exploded in population and wealth as Lord Walder’s many children have married and had children and grandchildren during his rule. They’ve also developed a less than honorable reputation as greedy, reaching, and fair-weathered. Indeed, Lord Walder partially earned his moniker as “the Late Lord” by waiting until a Baratheon victory was certain before answering his overlord, Lord Hoster Tully’s, summons to battle in Robert’s Rebellion.

After the Red Wedding, the house may be permanently stained for their treachery, and for breaking the sacred rule of Guest Right. The ramifications of breaking that code are far reaching, as previously it was assured that once granted this right, lords would be guaranteed safe lodging/passage through another lord’s lands, even in times of war. This code of conduct has been shattered, and now many a lord and lady no longer have faith in the rules of warfare.

Beyond this, in-fighting reigns supreme with Lord Walder’s progeny, and the house is now reviled in most of Westeros. Their forces are being stretched thin between holding the Riverlands and marching North to reinforce Bolton rule. Thanks to their betrayal of House Stark, and their butchering of many Northern lords and heirs, the Freys have particularly earned the enmity of the North (especially House Manderly), who will gladly remind the rest of Westeros of their people’s unofficial motto: The North Remembers. On top of this Lady Stoneheart is wreaking havoc in the Riverlands, butchering any Frey men she and the Brotherhood Without Banners come across.

While they may have secured themselves power in the short run, the actions of Lord Walder and his sons could spell doom for their house.


House Reyne

Once the second most powerful house in the Westerlands, the Reynes of Castamere now exists only as a memory and an example of Lord Tywin Lannister’s wrath.

Descendants of the First Men, the Reynes became part of the Kingdom of the Rock under King Loreon I Lannister thanks to a marriage alliance. Largely loyal bannermen, they joined the Greens in the Dance of Dragons. However, things began to change as their wealth and power continued to grow.

Lord Robb Reyne sided with Daemon I Blackfyre during the First Blackfyre Rebellion. Once the initial Blackfyre Rebellions were settled, then Lord Robert Reyne made a power play, betrothing his daughter Ellyn to the heir of Casterly Rock, Tywald Lannister. When Lord Tywald died in the Peake Uprising during King Maekar I Targaryen’s reign, the Reynes then made a move to shift Ellyn’s betrothal to Tywald’s twin brother, Lord Tion. Lady Ellyn held court at the Rock and bestowed many favors and appointments on her family.

Then, during the Fourth Blackfyre Rebellion, Lord Tion was killed. When Lady Ellyn made advances on the new heir, Tytos Lannister, ruling Lord Gerold Lannister had her married out to Lord Walderan Tarbeck and effectively removed her from the court.

Unfortunately, Lord Tytos proved to be a weak-willed and easily manipulated Lord of the Westerlands, and the Reynes and Tarbecks took advantage of his submissive will, taking out loans, lands, and other titles. His son and heir, Lord Tywin Lannister, however, was watching.

Once he was old enough, Lord Twyin seized control and demanded repayment of the loans his father had granted. The Reynes and Tarbecks, used to the paper lion in Lord Tytos laughed off Lord Tywin’s threats and refused. This was their fatal mistake. Lord Tywin took the armies of the Westerlands and wiped both houses off the face of Westeros. So complete was his annihilation of the Reynes, that he had the “Rains of Castamere” commissioned, and used it as an intimidation tactic.

The destruction of the Reynes and Tarbecks set Lord Tywin Lannister as a true power player in Westeros, helping lead to his appointment as Hand of the King under King Aerys II Targaryen, and his total domination over the Westerlands.

House Yronwood

The most powerful house in Dorne after the Martells, House Yronwood of Yronwood has guarded the Boneway for centuries.

This family of Dornishmen once ruled over half of Dorne. In fact, even today their lands are larger than their overlords, the Martells. With fertile lands, natural resources, and control of one of the primary entryways to Dorne, the Yronwoods command incredible wealth.

Historically, the Yronwood kings clashed with the Storm Kings of the Stormlands, meeting the Durrandons in battle on numerous occasions. Once the Rhoynar landed and Princess Nymeria wed Lord Mors Martell, the Yronwoods fought against the Martells in Nymeria’s War, which lasted 11 years before King Yorick V Yronwood eventually bent the knee and was then sent to the Wall in golden chains.

While bannermen of House Martell, the Yronwoods have always maintained an uneasy alliance. They supported Aegor Bittersteel in three of the five Blackfyre Rebellions, fighting against House Martell. Later, Prince Oberyn Martell would kill Lord Edgar Yronwood in a duel over a paramour, prompting him to flee to the Free Cities at the age of 16. Prince Doran later gave his oldest son, Prince Quentyn Martell, to Lord Anders Yronwood to foster to repay the blood debt Prince Oberyn owed.

Recently, Lord Cletus Yronwood and Ser Archibald Yronwood joined Prince Quentyn on his journey to Slaver’s Bay to petition for Queen Daenerys Targaryen’s hand. The trip proved to be disastrous, with Cletus and Quentyn both dying. It’s anyone’s guess what the current Bloodroyal will do once the news of his son’s death reaches Yronwood.

House Royce


House Royce of Runestone trace their lineage back to the Age of Heroes and the First Men. Once the Bronze Kings, and then the High King of the Vale, the Fingers, and the Mountains of the Moon, this ancient house eventually yielded to the Andal conquerors, particularly Artos Arryn of the House Arryn, after their last king, Robar Royce, died in the Battle of the Seven Stars.

While they lost land, money, and prestige in surrendering to their new Arryn king, House Royce lived to fight another day. In time, they won back much of what was lost in the Andal Invasion and rose to once again become a prominent family in the Vale. So much so, that Prince Daemon Targaryen’s first wife was none other than the Lady of Runestone, Rhea Royce (also known less flatteringly as the Bronze Bitch). When Lady Rhea died in an accident, Prince Daemon made a play to claim Runestone for himself. Then Lady of the Vale, Jeyne Arryn, sent him packing.

When the Dance of Dragons broke out, however, the Royce’s followed Lady Arryn’s lead and joined the Blacks. Their forces helped Queen Rhaenyra take King’s Landing. However, when the riots broke out, Ser Willum Royce died in the Storming of the Dragon Pit, also losing their ancestral valyrian sword, Lamentation.

Perhaps having grown weary of treating with dragons, the Royces developed strong ties with House Stark after the civil war. Ser Kyle Royce was one of Lord Brandon Stark’s companions on the fateful trip down to King’s Landing to demand justice from Prince Rhaegar Targaryen over the abduction of Lady Lyanna Stark. King Aerys II Targaryen’s mass execution of Lord Brandon’s party, including Ser Kyle, sparked Robert’s Rebellion.

Presently, Lord Yohn Royce is locked in a power struggle along with his fellow Lords Declarant against the Lord Protector of the Vale, Lord Petyr Baelish. Still sympathetic supporters of House Stark, the Royces of Runestone may yet play a vital role in Lady Sansa Stark’s adventures in the Vale.

House Mormont

Unlike other houses on this list that saw infamy during the Dance of Dragons, much of House Mormont’s deeds stems from current events of A Song of Ice and Fire. While no doubt having some level of fame since they have wielded their valyrian sword, Longclaw, for centuries, the Mormonts were an otherwise smaller house. Granted Bear Island from King Rodrik Stark, they set their ancestral seat on the island in the Bay of Ice. However, Bear Island is very far north, very cold, and boasts few valuable resources.

It would be far easier to think that House Manderly should claim this spot or even House Bolton. However, the Mormonts have several hands in several plot point pies that have shaped the entire saga of A Song of Ice and Fire.

Prior to A Game of Thrones, the former Lord of Bear Island, Jorah Mormont, fled his home in disgrace for Essos. Having married Lady Lynessa Hightower, he had bankrupted himself trying to keep her accustomed lifestyle and had resorted to selling criminals as slaves. When Lord Eddard Stark moved to apprehend him, he fled the continent and left Longclaw behind. Lady Maege Mormont took his place. Once in Essos, Lady Lynessa left him for the Magister of Lys and Jorah had to make his way as a sellsword. He eventually falls in with the exiled Targaryens, Viserys and Daenerys. While originally acting as a spy for Varys, Jorah falls in love with Daenerys and becomes loyal to her. Indeed, if he hadn’t intercepted the assassination attempt on Daenerys in A Game of Thrones, there would be no Dragon Queen, no dragons, and no hope of an eventual Targaryen reclamation.

His father, Jeor Mormont, had abdicated his seat so Jorah could become the acting Lord. Having joined the Night’s Watch, he eventually became Lord Commander and oversaw the beginning of Jon Snow’s journey as a Black Brother, gifting him Longclaw as a thank you when Jon saved his life from a wight. Jeor dies, but his impact on Jon Snow’s journey is undeniable.

Lady Maege Mormont pledged her forces to King Robb Stark, and lost her heir and eldest daughter, Lady Dacey Mormont, in the treachery of the Red Wedding. The Mormont women are forces to be reckoned with. Lady Dacey was described as being just as at home in armor as in courtly dress, and Lady Alysane is a renowned warrior in her own right. Currently, Lady Maege and two of her daughters, Lyra and Jorelle, are tracking down Lord Howland Reed and carrying Robb’s will. Lady Alysane has joined forces with King Stannis Baratheon and is scouring the western coast of the invading Ironborn. And Lady Maege’s youngest, Lyanna, is the acting ruler of Bear Island, having sent Stannis the now infamous response to his request that they bend the knee to him: Bear Island knows no king but the King of the North, whose name is STARK.

House Velaryon

House Velaryon of Driftmark is the last (non-exiled) house of pure Valyrian descent in Westeros. Having migrated with the Targaryen dragonlords pre-Doom, they settled on Driftmark and built up their naval power. By the time of King Viserys I Targaryen, the Velaryons were at the height of their wealth and influence. Thanks to Lord Corlys Velaryon’s many sea voyages, the Velaryon’s became the most wealthy family in Westeros, even surpassing the Lannisters for a time. Their pure Valyrian blood had meant generations of intermarrying with their Targaryen monarchs. During King Viserys I’s reign, their power was so great that Prince Daemon Targaryen married into the family to shore up his standing after his older brother had an heir.

And, like the Hightowers, they were instrumental in the Dance of Dragons. Due to Queen Rhaenyra’s first marriage to Lord Corlys’ only true born son, Lord Laenor, her three sons Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey were the heirs apparent to the Iron Throne when their mother succeeded King Viserys I. However, it was an open secret that Lord Laenor’s sons, even while he recognized them as his, were actually born from Queen Rhaenyra’s affair with the knight, Ser Harwin Strong.

Nevertheless, when the Dance of Dragons started, the Velaryon’s sided with the Blacks and fought for Rhaenyra’s claim. At the end of the civil war, Lord Corlys’ eastern treasures were destroyed, the merchant town he’d built on Driftmark, Spicetown, had been razed, and many members of his house were dead.

Even though their power was diminished, Lord Corlys still clung on for some years as a regent to King Aegon III Targaryen (Queen Rhaenyra’s son through Prince Daemon) and was then succeeded by Lord Alyn Velaryon, the Oakenfist. Lord Alyn himself was a renowned sailor, and naval commander, serving ably during King Aegon III’s regency and reign.

While the Velaryon influence is now at its lowest under the Lannister/Baratheon regime, this family is still making waves. The Velaryon bastard Aurane Waters served under Queen Regent Cersei Lannister, stole the newly built royal fleet right out from under her nose, and rumor has it, has set himself up as pirate king of the Stepstones. All in a day’s work for the Lords of the Tides.

Images courtesy of HBO, Scafloc, and Eagle of Seagard
Up Next:

Ocarina of Time & Majora’s Mask: Let’s Have it Out

Don't Miss:

Ocean Meets Steel, Or Lapis and Peridot’s Background Healing Arc


