Long Time No Siege

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The latest Tweets from Long Time No Siege (@JolleyWill). Interested in the challenges of the Western US in the 21st century. Present: UCLA. Past: Goldman Sachs, NYU. Mountain casual.

  1. Long time no siege Sign in to follow this. Entry posted by Zanthos January 12, 2006. Well the time for exams has sprung up on me again.
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Posted by3 years ago

So I never really posted anything before but I feel like in this situation I should because I feel cheated out of $60.

So after the 1.3 patch for RSS (Rainbow Six Siege) I played for about an hour or two and I got kicked and banned from Fairfight. Now at first I was pretty mad cause it was completely random and uncalled for. So i contacted Ubisoft Live Chat and heres what they said: (Sorry long post; Skip to bottom if you dont want to read live chat)

Me: I have recently been banned from Rainbow Six Siege after the 1.3 patch by Fairfight; however, I do not cheat or glitch in anyway. I have logged 120 hours into the game and i have now been banned for no reason. I'm not sure why I am banned because I have done nothing wrong. I'm aware from some online posts stated that the ban MAY last for 3 days; however, this ban i believe is unjust for again, have done nothing wrong. I've been a huge fan of this game and at this point I'am very upset. I have seen blatant cheaters before in this game and found no way of reporting but instead I get banned for nothing? I have been accused many times of cheating but i do not believe that it is appropriate for punishing players performing well. If there is 'proof' of why I'am banned please let me know. Again, I'am very outraged by this.

Jonathan D: The support team doesn't have access to ban records or any ability to overturn bans. All permanent bans are manually confirmed by the dev team, so if you were banned then there was certainly proof of misconduct.

Me: i can assure there was no proof of misconduct. I have logged 200 hours into this game and paid 60 dollars for it to be played; not treated like this. Me: Is there a way i can contact someone who can 'overturn' this?

Jonathan D : There is not. I can report this ticket as a ban dispute, but I have no control over who in the dev team looks at the ticket or what they do with it.

Me: Please do so, and I would like a confirmation report as well. Me: Can you also tell me how long the ban is?

Jonathan D: We have three-day and permanent bans, but I'm not able to check which one is in effect.

Me: So you are telling me that I paid 60 dollars and logged in 100 hours to be banned for no reason? Me: And that I have to wait 3 days to see if its a permanent ban or not?

Jonathan D : I'm saying that a ban was implemented by the dev team and that yes, you will need to wait three days to find out if the ban was permanent or not.

Me: Is there a way for a refund? Because I find this ban unjust. This company rewarded a good player by banning him. Me: with no cause

Jonathan D: Our sales on digital content are final, as explained in our refund policy: http://shop.ubi.com/store?Action=ContentTheme&Env=BASE&Locale=en_US&SiteID=ubina&ThemeID=8605600&pbPage=en_US-ReturnsAndCancellations If you purchased the game from a retailer, you will need to discuss any potential refunds with them.

Long Time No Siege Movie

So I waited 3 days patiently. I was banned on the 13th of January and now I was able to play on the 17th from my temporary ban. So I played for 2-3 hours and than again; banned by Fairfight.

Heres another text log and email by the support.

My email: I still do not understand why I am banned. I have waited for no reason for my temporary ban to be expired. After I waited for 3 days I played Rainbow Six Siege and than again; I get kicked by Fairfight for no reason. This is the worst treatment and customer service I have ever experienced. Why the hell am I getting kicked for no reason; and why am I still banned? Your Fairfight system does not work if innocent players are getting kicked.

--> Live Chat Response

Martia W: Thank you for contacting Ubisoft Support. Ubisoft takes a firm stance against cheating, and as such your access to Rainbow Six: Siege Matchmaking has been revoked. As a first time offense, this ban is temporary and will only last three days. Any further cheating attempts will result in a permanent revocation of your ability to connect to the matchmaking servers. Please keep in mind that support has no ability to overturn a ban placed on your account and we have filed your contact as a dispute regarding the ban.

Me: hold on Me: this is the second time for me being banned for no reason Me: my computer has been reformatted; there are no external programs Martia W: you were reported. Me: for what? Me: so i got reported by a program or a player? Me: your basing your judgment off a simple report? Me: i waited 3 days for my temporary ban to expire. Than I played for 2 hours and than got ejected FOR NO REASON. Me: *I apologize for my rudeness; it is a little frustrating Me: Hello?

Martia W: Please keep in mind that support has no ability to overturn a ban placed on your account and we have filed your contact as a dispute regarding the ban.

Me: yeah i know you do that Me: however im still banned for 3 days with no answer Me : I did nothing wrong and all you told me was' you were reporteD'

Martia W: the only way to be banned is if you were reported. Martia W: thats all the information we have for you.

Me: i have to wait 3 more days (in total 6 days) Me: i paid 60 dollars

Martia W : Any further cheating attempts will result in a permanent revocation of your ability to connect to the matchmaking servers.


Me: what report Me: than tell me the report

Martia W: I do not have that information.

Me: do you realize that is stealing? Me: i paid 60 for a product Me: and now your taking away that product for no reason

Martia W: Ubisoft takes a firm stance against cheating

Me: Yay thats nice, so do i! but i dont cheat

Martia W: I will report this case up to the dev team

Me: i ban cheaters on counter strike everyday Me: ya, thats what the last person said 4 days ago Me: and I got banned AGAIN Martia W: Please keep in mind that support has no ability to overturn a ban placed on your account and we have filed your contact as a dispute regarding the ban. Im sorry that is all I am able to do.

Me: What am I suppose to do than Me: you guys took 60 dollars from me Me: i need to talk to someone who can actually help me

Martia W: You will not be able to access our servers until the ban is removed.


Me: give me information to someone who can help me

Martia W: You will need to contact our support office directly for assistance with this issue. For your security, one of our reps will need to verify some account info before making any changes. You can reach our support team at 919.460.9778. We are open Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 12:00am (Midnight) EST. Make sure to mention that you have an open ticket, and they will be able to pull this information up in our system.

Me: thats not going to work because they will tell me Me: the same exact thing you will Me: am i right? Me: do they have access to my ban saction?

Martia W: because we are all on the same page. Martia W: there is nothing we can do here at technical support.

Me: so why are you giving my a number that wont help me

Martia W: that is the number here. Martia W: where yes you will get the same info as i am giving now

Me : You just gave the number to take me into a circle

Martia W: there is nothing we can do

Me: Can i talk to your manager? Me: Everyone has a manager Martia W: to do so, you will need to call into technical support as stated before

Me: Tell me how long my ban is

Martia W: As a first time offense, this ban is temporary and will only last three days. Any further cheating attempts will result in a permanent revocation of your ability to connect to the matchmaking servers. Please keep in mind that support has no ability to overturn a ban placed on your account and we have filed your contact as a dispute regarding the ban.

Me: AS I TOLD YOU BEFORE Me: I got banned AGAIN Me: for no reason Me: I got banned for the second time; so does that mean I am permanently banned? Me: i swear im talking to a robot

Martia W: yes Martia W: it looks like you are

Me: so i can no longer play the game?


Thank you for contacting Ubisoft Support. Ubisoft takes a firm stance against cheating, and as such your access to Rainbow Six: Siege Matchmaking has been revoked and will not be reinstated. Please keep in mind that support has no ability to overturn a ban placed on your account and we have filed your contact as a dispute regarding the ban.

Me: i did nothing wrong Me : ?! Me: you guys just took my money and product away

Martia W : we have filed your contact as a dispute regarding the ban.

Me: do you realize how dumb and unfair that is?

Martia W: We thank you for your patience and understanding.

Me: you should probably save this chat like I am and also send it to the team Me: cause this was a lousy help

Is this not the best customer support? I understand that they do not have the ability to help but i still dont believe this is how I should be treated. I have done absolutely nothing wrong in this game and yet I get banned? I have reformatted my PC to get rid of any programs or viruses that might affect the game and still; nothing.

I have spent $60 dollars for this game; logged 128 hours and than was ejected and denied access to something I paid for again; no reason.

Long Time No Siege 1

I admit I get accused of hacking but that alone is not enough to ban me. The rep from support stated; I was 'reported' and thats all. I come from Counter Strike Global Offensive and a simple 'report' is far from enough to convict of wrong doing. I have logged 1500+ to CSGO earning the title of Global Elite; I have carried what I learned from that game to RSS; and so far I guess it gets me banned for getting good scores. This game gives you the ability to use sensors, cameras and drones to find your enemies; im sure there are many false positives for cheating.

I spent hours convicting other plays in CS:GO for cheating through overwatch and I too have a zero tolerance for cheating.

I understand that this game uses some algorithm to detect cheating; I guess i somehow convinced that program that my score was too good for a human. Ill thank Counter Strike for that.

Any comments or input would be great. Sorry for my long post. I dont care about the game; I just care about losing my money.

IN GAME NAME : Phamouss


Taunts are short voiced messages players may send each other in-game. In order to do so, the shown below numbers must simply be entered in the chat box. In Age of Empires III, the taunt activates simply by typing; using the chat box is no longer required.

Taunts are available in every game in the Age of Empires series.

Age of EmpiresEdit

3I need food.
4Somebody pass the wood.
5Gold please.
6Gimme some stone.
8Your attempts are futile.
9*Group cheer*
10Hey, I'm in your town.
11*Group groan*
12Join me!
13I don't think so.
14Start the game already!
15Who's the man?
16Attack them now!
17*Low laugh*
18I am weak, please don't kill me!
19*High pitched laugh*
20I just got some... satisfaction!
21Hey, nice town!
22We will NOT tolerate this behavior.
23Get out!
24Dad gum!
25Aw, yeah!

Age of Empires IIEdit

3Food please.
4Wood please.
5Gold please.
6Stone please.
8All hail, king of the losers!
10I'll beat you back to Age of Empires.
11(Herb laugh)
12Ah! being rushed.
13Sure, blame it on your ISP.
14Start the game already!
15Don't point that thing at me!
16Enemy sighted!
17It is good to be the king.
18Monk! I need a monk!
19Long time, no siege.
20My granny could scrap better than that.
21Nice town, I'll take it.
22Quit touching me!
23Raiding party!
25Eh, smite me.
26The wonder, the wonder, the... no!
27You played two hours to die like this?
28Yeah, well, you should see the other guy.
31Attack an enemy now.
32Cease creating extra villagers.
33Create extra villagers.
34Build a navy.
35Stop building a navy.
36Wait for my signal to attack.
37Build a wonder.
38Give me your extra resources.
39(Ally sound)
40(Enemy sound)
41(Neutral sound)
42What age are you in?

Age of MythologyEdit

3Food please.
4Wood please.
5Gold please.
6Do you have extra resources?
8Meet here
10Are you ready?
12I need help
13Sure, blame it on your firewall.
14Start the game already
15Attack now
16Build a wonder
17I have extra wood
18I have extra food
19I have extra gold
20You're my hero
21I'm scouting
23Oh, you let a girl beat you
24Are we there yet?
25Voted off
26Ouch, that had to hurt
27What happened to the stone?
28Throw things at me
31You're very brave
32Turn back now
33I feel less fighting

Long Time No Siege Youtube

Taunts introduced in The Titans.

34Give up now
36Did I mention that I am a god now?
37Not a wise decision but a decision nonetheless
38What do I gotta do to get some food around here
39I need some back-up
40Fire in the hole
41What a baby
42I wish he would stop doing that
43Ahh what a foolish decision
44Ahh you are such a fool

Age of Empires IIIEdit

3I need food.
4I need wood.
5I need coin.
6Do you have extra resources?
7I have extra food.
8I have extra wood.
9I have extra coin.
10Meet here.
11Are you ready?
12I need help!
13Attack now!
14Upgrade your trade route.
16I'm in your base, killing your dudes.
17Check in your wallet. That's me on the dollar bill.
18I believe that makes me your daddy.
19El-Oh-El, I am R-Oh-Tee-Eff-El. (Laugh out Loud, I am Rolling on the Floor Laughing.)
20Aren't you becoming quite the little problem.
22This will give me cred, street cred!
23Hey, shut your pie hole!
24I'll take that trade.

Taunts introduced in The Asian Dynasties and The WarChiefs.

25You sit on the computer all day playing! You know nothing of hard life!
26Really? Such a noob.
27Ask not for whom the timer ticks. It ticks for thee.
28(Alternate laughter)
29Check in your pocket. The quarter is me, too.
30Where is my mother?
31(Charge bugle call)
32Believe it, little boy!