Error In Microsoft Excel Previewer

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The issue is:Outlook 2013 simply will not give a preview of Word (nor Excel) docs in attachments.

  1. Pdf Viewer For Outlook
  2. Error In The Microsoft Excel Previewer

Never had the issue with Outlook 2010. Using Outlook 2013 on Windows 7 64bit SSD with Word 2010.

Pdf Viewer For Outlook

  1. May 22, 2018  The problem is that we can't preview any.xlsx file in the Windows Explorer preview pane. All it says is 'No Preview Available' in the pane.All other Microsoft office file types can be previewed file, along with many other file types such as.txt,.pdf,.jpg,.bmp, etc.
  2. Trying to preview word attachments in Outlook 2016 and getting the following error message? 'This file cannot be previewed because of an error with the follo.

Excel Files Won't Display in Reading Pane. Several users discovered that Excel files wouldn't display in Outlook's reading pane. This file cannot be previewed because there is no previewer installed for it. Remove, mark and move duplicates and more! Collection of 130 Tools. This is due to an incorrect registry entry for the preview handler.

I did notice that 'Microsoft Word' is not listed specifically in Trust Center attachment handling, could that be part of the problem?Excel, Visio, RTF and many more are there.

Update: strange, search can be performed in Word attachments... but can't preview Word file. So, Outlook can 'see' Word docs but won't let us have that preview.

For reference, here is a similar question I posted in the Microsoft Answers forum.

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3 Answers

  1. Close outlook → Start Regedit
  2. Navigate to HKLMsoftwaremicrosoftwindowscurrent versionpreviewhandlers

Make sure to back up the contents of course

How to fix error in microsoft excel previewer
  1. Delete the key for Microsoft Word previewer

  2. Restart outlook → preview a Word doc & you should now get amessage “ You should only preview files from a trustworthy source


Error In The Microsoft Excel Previewer

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John TutinJohn Tutin

It is because of the temp file folder exceeds its storage level.

just do the following & the problem is solved.

  1. Exit outlook if its running

  2. Go to 'START' & find the 'Run' function

  3. In 'Run' Function type or paste the following:

    %userprofile%AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Internet FilesContent.Outlook

  4. A Folder will be open & there is a sub folder. Open the Sub folder & Delete the entire files, contain in the sub-folder.

  5. Please don't delete the sub-folder.

& done.

Open the Outlook & it will working properly

Shahzad HussainShahzad Hussain

This answer is just a work-around and doesn't feel like a legitimate solution, but it worked for me.

Thanks to this link. In short:

  1. Open the application (Word, Excel, etc.)
  2. Click on File -> Options
  3. Select Trust Center
  4. Select Trust Center settings button.
  5. Select Protected View.
  6. Uncheck 'Enable Protected View for Outlook Attachments' (or all the options under Protected View) and confirm by pressing OK.
  7. Restart the application and try to open the 'broken documents' from Outlook.
Error in the microsoft excel previewer
Error in microsoft excel previewer 2013

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