Cant Save Pdf File

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You can also right-click on the document and select Save as to save the PDF file. A window should appear, prompting you to specify the location in which you'd like to save the file. Selecting the Desktop option makes it easy to find the PDF file later. If you like, you may rename the file at this point. If not, skip this step.

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Adobe Acrobat enables authors to create PDF files, such as product order forms or personal information forms, that Adobe Reader users can fill out. Normally, Reader users don't have the ability to save the changes they make to a PDF form. You can save your changes however, if the form's creator extended that permission to Reader users. Adobe Reader allows you to save the form as a copy, in case you don't like the changes you made.

Save Changes to PDF Forms


Open Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat, then click 'File' and 'Open.' Select the PDF file you want to change, then click 'Open' again.


Make changes to the PDF file. For example, add a digital signature, comment or form field entry.


Click 'File' and 'Save' in Acrobat to save the changes you made to the original file without making a copy. This will overwrite the original document.


Click 'File' and 'Save As' in Acrobat to rename the PDF file and save the changes as a copy. Choose this option every time you make major changes to the file.


Click 'File' and 'Save Portfolio As,' if you want to make a copy of a PDF portfolio in Acrobat. You can't create an original portfolio in Adobe Reader; you can only make a copy of an existing portfolio.


Click 'File' and 'Save As Text' or 'Save A Copy' if you have Adobe Reader. The 'Save as Text' option saves the file as an accessible text document, and 'Save A Copy' saves the file as a PDF.

Extend Editing Rights to Reader Users


Open Adobe Acrobat, Acrobat Pro or Acrobat Pro Extended, then click 'File' and 'Open.' Click the PDF file for which you want to enable saving rights, then click 'Open.'


Click 'Advanced,' then click 'Extend Forms Fill-In & Save in Adobe Reader' if you're using Adobe Acrobat. This allows Reader users to save any changes made to the document.


Click 'Advanced' and 'Extend Features in Adobe Reader' if you have Adobe Acrobat Pro or Pro Extended.


  • The File menu does not display when you view a PDF file in your Web-browser. Click 'Save' on the Acrobat toolbar to save your changes.

References (2)


Can't Save Adobe Pdf

About the Author

Melissa King began writing in 2001. She spent three years writing for her local newspaper, 'The Colt,' writing editorials, news stories, product reviews and entertainment pieces. She is also the owner and operator of Howbert Freelance Writing. King holds an Associate of Arts in communications from Tarrant County College.

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King, Melissa. 'How to Save Changes to a PDF Form.' Small Business -, Accessed 01 July 2019.

Pdf Won't Save Changes

King, Melissa. (n.d.). How to Save Changes to a PDF Form. Small Business - Retrieved from
King, Melissa. 'How to Save Changes to a PDF Form' accessed July 01, 2019.
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Everything was working fine until yesterday. Now, when I turned on my PC today and tried saving a text file written in Notepad, I am getting the following popup:

Mar 24, 2016 - As the title says, I'm 10 years into the game these are my conditions: - Got Lithuania as my PU and Bohemia as my ally. Mazovia is still in. This is a sub-reddit for Europa Universalis IV. It is a general subreddit for the Grand Strategy Game from Paradox Interactive: Europa Universalis 4. So i read that you can actually do the achievement 'poland can into space', if you form the commonwealth. 4 days ago - The EU4 column denotes achievements which can't be completed without the use of DLC mechanics (currently. Poland can into space icon. Feb 4, 2015 - I started a game as Poland on Ironman mode in 1444 with the only goal to get the 'Poland can into space' achievement, because why not? Poland can into space eu4.

Cannot save pdf file after editingAlso, not just in saving txt files, I am having the same problem whenever I try to save images from photoshop or any files into the 'desktop'. However, everything just works fine when I try saving the same files in other drives. The problem occurs when I try saving the files in 'desktop', 'documents', 'pictures' or anything else that is a subfolder of C: drive. Morever, Microsoft Word or PDF files can be saved in the 'desktop' folder. Also, I can even download contents from the internet using Chrome directly to 'desktop'. The problem seems very crazy. I cannot simply figure out what's wrong with my PC.

Can anyone tell me the approach to fix this issue? I am thankful to you in advance.

[P.S: I am on Windows 10 OS v 1709.]

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2 Answers

The problem has been solved. It was happening because I once turned on the Controlled Folder Access in Windows Defender which was by default turned off. I just opened the Windows Defender Security Center >> Virus and threat Protection >> Virus and threat Protection settings >> 'TURNED OFF' the Controlled Folder Access option and it did my job. The problem was driving me nuts bdw. :(


As detailed in this Microsoft Forum question, Microsoft (MS) Security Essentials can apparently interfere with saving items to certain special 'controlled' folders. The solution to alleviate this issues is to:

  • From the Start Menu, select Settings. Click the Update and Security icon.

  • Choose Windows Defender from the list of items on the left. Scroll to the very bottom in the right-hand pane and then click the Open Windows Defender/Security Center link.

  • In the new window, select Protection from Virus and Threats >Virus and Threats Settings.

  • Turn off Access to Controlled Folders.

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