Iron Warrior Tfp Megatron

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Iron Warrior Tfp Megatron Movie

(Soundwave x Reader)
The Third-In-Command of the Nemesis ship was known for his commitment to the vow of silence-- a vow he took for Cybertronians to know he was not like the other council members that were once under Zeta Prime; that he was not all-talk, and would live up to his words. He was silent, but has more voice compared to the other Decepticons; he was idle, yet his frame screamed power-- that much, bots and cons, alike, can understand.


Iron Warrior Tfp Megatron Movie

And then there was you: a talkative human, often spouting words that contradicted her own actions; saying things that were parallel to them. Or perhaps, it's not that you speak the opposite of your intentions but you often misunderstand what you want.

And then, the two opposites meet-- each distinct feature contradicting the other. One was an ancient Cybertronian, and another was a young human. One was silent; the other has words to say. One has forgotten how to feel, while the other wishes not to feel. One served only one purpose in life, and the other had none.


Be as contrasting as they may, both share a common characteristic; one they can share a mutual bond with: both are not normal in their own worlds.

The two lack humanity.