Heroes Of The Storm Mods

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  1. Heroes Of The Storm Most Played Heroes
Master Rehgar
2 years ago

Heroes Of The Storm Most Played Heroes

Since today people are getting randomly timed out for 600 seconds. I typed the emoji LUL in reaction to a funny comment by one of the players and I got timed out for 600 seconds? Whats going on? Get your moderators in order please Blizzard.

Heroes Of The Storm Mods

Is anyone else having this happen to them or knows what specific mod is doing this, I have been contacting some of them but they seem to be unresponsive. The speed at which people get timed out leads me to believe that it is an actual person doing it and not a bot or banned word, because some people are not being banned.

The Nexus is the setting of Heroes of the Storm. The Nexus is a powerful trans-dimensional storm, a strange limbo of clashing universes. Worlds collide from across space, time, and even dimensions. The storm of the Nexus can rip worlds, and even universes in and out of existence, but can also. Ghostly pirate ships, the fickle Raven Lord, and massive grave golems can be just as deadly as the opposing team. Adjust your strategy accordingly to the battleground, or face crushing defeat. Good players win. The great ones make it look good, too. Distinguish yourself in battle with dozens of unique heroes, skins, and mounts.

Great news season 3. Edit: people were also getting timed out for voting '#fnatic', analysis desk asks you to vote and then you get timed out for it. I would just like for Blizzard to either look into their mods, or give us an explanation.