Brutal Doom Console Commands

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Posted by1 year ago
Brutal Doom Console Commands

Haven't found any comprehensive list so I'll put one here. Thanks to my experimenting and TheLostSabre from a post a year ago. However, not all will work as written as I was using the D4WeaponsForBDV2b pack alongside this in the hell on earth starter pack on my PC. This is what I've got so far:

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Brutal doom 64 console commands

summonfriend x <--- replace x with any monster or ally and it'll aid you on the battlefield. No kidding! 'summonfriend cyberdemon' spawns a friendly cyberdemon that fights with you and your marines against hell
summon ally <--- spawns a marine with a random weapon, rocketmarine low chance from what I've seen
summon friendlytank <--- spawns the artillery cannon of an allied tank – affected by gravity and has fall damage. Shoots bad guys, Big splash damage. Fun for big fights
summon marine <--- allied machine gun marine
summon marineshotgun
summon marine_shotgun <--- spawns an ally that runs around like crazy with a shotgun
summon marinerifle <--- they're faster for some reason, machine guy marine
summon marinechaingun
summon marinerocket <--- rocket launcher ally + splash damage to you
summon marineplasma <--- plasma rifle marine + splash damage to you
summon marinebfg <--- yup! They exist!
summon capturedmarine <--- spawns a marine tied to a spike, you can free him
summon randommarine <--- spawns marine with a random weapon
summon bot <--- invisible thing. Not sure what it does
summon minotaurfriend <--- invisible monster eats other enemies
(dont know how to summon an airstrike or those friendly marines without helmets)

summon imp <--- spawns hench ugly thing that shoots fire and scratches you. Has spiky pecks
summon vanillaimp <--- slow imp, scracthes, doesnt jump much
summon impfish <--- fast imp, has a big jump range
summon brutalstealthdoomimp <--- fast imp thats fully invisible unless it attacks you
summon impdyingofbloodloss <--- injured imp

summon demon <--- spawns pink demon with a big bite
summon bulldemon <--- same as demon
summon brutalstealthdemon <--- spawns pink demon that is completely invisible unless it attacks you
summon flemoidcyclopticcommonus <--- must be the scientific name for a pinky, as thats all it spawns
summon spectre <--- spawns invisible pink demon with glowing red eyes
summon spectro <--- spawns fast, invisible pink demon with glowing red eyes
summon armlessdemon <--- spawns injured pinky that has lost its arm, attacks you but dies itself quickly
summon poorpinkylosthisarm <--- spawns fully injured pinky that wont move and dies after 5 seconds
summon vanillaspectre <--- spawns partially invisible pinky that bites you
summon revenant <--- sp00ky skeleton
summon vanillarevenant <--- faster revenant with hard hitting punches
summon brutalstealthrevenant <--- hits 80HP punches, shows only when attacking
summon lostsoul <--- spawns a flying skull
summon chexsoul <--- spawns a different flying skull thats tougher to kill
summon betaskull <--- spawns a different flying sould that hurts you by looking at you very quickly with red eyes
summon cacodemon <--- spawns flying monster thing
summon vanillacacodemon <--- fast cacodemon that lunges when it bites (moves forward fast)
summon stealthcacodemon <--- invisible cacodemon, only shows when attacking, small chance of instant kill bite if taunted
summon brutalstealthcacodemon <--- its a cacodemon on steroids. Only shows when attacking, lunges forward even further when biting
summon painelemental <--- cacodemon's dad
summon hellknight <--- its obvious what this is
summon hellknight2 <--- same
summon vanillahellknight <--- does more damange (40)
summon brutalstealthhellknight <--- more damage, invisible, shows only when attacking
summon stealthhellknight <--- more projectile damage, invisible, shows only when attacking
summon baronofhell <--- the bigger, badder, red coloured hellknights
summon brutalstealthbaron <--- same as baron, hits harder, invisible, shows only when attacking
summon flembrane <--- baron that doesnt move but shoots a lot
summon mancubus <--- ugly flamethrower thing. Big problem in close quarters.
summon vanillafatso <--- same
summon brutalstealthfatso
summon archvile <--- the demon priest that summons fire and revives dead enemies, tough to kill
summon teharchvile
summon brutalstealtharchvile <--- dont summon this, you'll regret it
summon arachnotron <--- mutant robot spiders with pulse cannon
summon stealtharachnotron <--- invisible, shoots green lasers
summon brutalstealtharachnotron <--- same but might spawn 2
summon belphegor <--- spawns a giant minotaur gate guardian that stomps, swipes and fires giant green flame balls
summon bossbelphegor <--- spawns the same gate guardian but much tougher with more health
summon spidermastermind <--- has a massive artillery chaingun. Will wreck you silly.
summon cyberdemon <--- be careful the moment you spawn it, it can crush you with its foot
summon cyberdemonboss <--- much tougher
summon vanillacyberdemon <--- shoots slower but rockets look like rockets and are instakill
summon cyberdemonlord <--- unless you have a tonne of ammo or a tonne of allies with tanks, don't summon this beast
summon hectebus <--- a weird monster in a giant tank that fires at you
summon iconofsin <--- Spawns the biggest, ugliest, scariest monster in the game. Don't summon it. Needs map space and will easily get stuck in walls.
summon bossbrain <--- spawns a developer's head on a spike, shoot the guts on floor to win
summon throwedimp <--- throws an imp with less power where youre pointing
summon throwedimp2 <--- throws an imp where you're pointing

summon chaingunguy <--- ugly big red bad guy
summon zombieman <--- green haired, machinegun bad guy
summon shotgunguy <--- shotgun badguy
summon marinechainsaw <--- a slow marine follows you but cuts you up if you touch him
summon nazi <--- spawns fast, intelligent nazi soldier with powerful machinegun. Be careful.
summon nazisurrendered <--- nazi without a gun, on the ground. Try taunting him, you'll get what you deserve lol
summon germandog <--- small, fast, powerful dogs that work with nazis. Avoid if possible.
summon wolfensteinss <--- spwans hitlers dad, will cause you a big problem if you're not quick
summon commanderkeen <--- spawns a dog hung by its neck. Does nothing. Allies fire on it
summon zombie <--- spawns an invisible thing. Does nothing. Just follows you. Killable
summon panzertank <--- spawns nazi tank that fires on you+allies. Tough to kill except for 1 instakill weakspot with a rocket or grenade. Figure it out yourself for fun! ;)
summon zombieseizedtank <--- enemy tank fires on you+allies
summon flemoid3 <--- spawns an alien that fires acid at you
summon armoredflemoidusbipedicus <--- bigger alien
(I cant find the command to summon the inferno demon)

summon firedemon <--- attacks fast, moves slow or not at all
summon minotaur <--- spawns an invisible hostile that bites you hard. Quite tough. Only way to tell where it is is to shoot around you until you hit something close.
summon sentinel <--- invisible bad thing. Follows you.
summon wraith <--- invisible thing that drops your health FAST. Again, only way to tell is with allies or shooting near you until you hit it.
summon centaur <--- same as wraith but weaker
summon ettin <--- same as wraith but tougher
summon serpent <--- thing that hits 50HP, slow, doesnt move. Can't see, cant kill it (I think)
summon serpentleader <--- same as above
summon heresiarch <--- stupidly tough, slow moving, fast shooting monster that hurts you very quickly. Took 8 allies firing for 30 seconds to kill it.
summon korax <--- tough, slow moving monster that has an instant kill attack
summon stalker <--- weak monster that attacks you after 10-20 seconds of following
summon acolyte
summon bishop
summon ceilingturret
summon crusader
summon reaver
summon templar
summon knight
summon inquisitor <--- hurts you a lot within seconds with a charging bull-like attack
summon loremaster <--- dont summon this, its almost impossible to kill. Very fast, flies, hits you hard. Allies shoot all over the place
summon programmer <--- This is a weird monster. It drops lightning from the sky, flies around, allies+enemies shoot it, 10 seconds later you've won the level!
summon quadrumpus <--- alien that fires 4 acid shots
(there's bound to be more but this is enough for now)

--ITEMS-- (can type in 'summon xxx' or 'give xxx', summon drops it in front of you, give directly equips you with it)
summon/give Berserl1 <--- large, red health + Berserk Pack
summon/give berserk <--- same as above
summon/give backpack <--- Gives ammo for all guns and grenades
summon/give health <--- gives 1 HP. In D4WeaponsForBDV2b, summonning it drops an invisible healthpack in front of you with 1HP health.
summon/give stimpack2 <--- small medikit
summon/give medikit2 <--- large medikit
summon/give bluecard <--- blue keycard
summon/give redcard <--- red keycard
summon/give yellowcard <--- yellow keycard
summon/give redskull <--- red skeleton key
summon/give blueskull <--- blue skeleton key
summon/give yellowskull <--- yellow skeleton key
summon/give passcard <--- FLASHES SCREEN BUT DOES NOTHING IN D4WeaponsForBDV2b
summon/give radsuit <--- radiation suit to protect from some parts of the map
summon/give slimeproofsuit <--- same as above
summon/give glassofwater <--- grants 1 HP
summon/give healthbonus <--- gives 2 points to health
summon/give armorBonus <--- gives 2 points to armour
summon/give computerareamap <--- gives complete map of level
summon/give allmap <--- same as computerareamap
give health/armor * <--- replace * with any number below 200, gives you that much health/armor immediately
give ammo <--- gives maximum ammo, grenades, and mines but doesn't raise your ammo limit
summon/give classicpistol <--- gives classic pistol from old doom games
summon/give brutalpistol <--- normal pistol from brutal doom
summon/give shotgun <--- shotgun with 8 bullets
summon/give supershotgun <--- supershotgun with 4 bullets
summon/give rifle <--- machinegun with 10 bullets
summon/give chaingun <--- chaingun with 20 bullets
summon rocketlauncher <--- GIVES ME A CHAINGUN WHEN USING D4WeaponsForBDV2b
summon/give rocketammo <--- gives 1 rocket launcher ammo
summon/give rocketbox <--- 5 rocket ammo
summon rocket <--- spawn a fired rocket wherever you are pointing, splash damage
summon/give grenadebox <--- gives 10 grenades
summon phosphorousgrenade <--- spawns an intense fire that hurts everything around you, including you if you're not careful INVISIBLE IN D4WeaponsForBDV2b
give phosphorousgrenade <--- gives you 1 standard grenade ammo
summon/give plasmarifle <--- gives plasmarifle
summon/give plasmagunonthefloor <--- gives plasma sniper rifle D4WeaponsForBDV2b ONLY
summon/give chainsaw
summon/give shell <--- gives 4 shotgun shells
summon heavymachinegun <--- drops a machine gun turret in front of you
summon/give dualmachinegun <--- gives double machineguns. Gives heavy machinegun/LMG in D4WeaponsForBDV2b
summon/give dualrepeaters <--- same as above
summon/give clip <--- gives a 10 bullet clip for all machinegun type weapons
summon/give cell <--- 20 ammo for plasma weapons
summon/give cellpack <--- 100 ammo for plasma weapons
summon/give grenadelauncher <--- 5 ammo, impact activated grenade launcher
summon/give shotgunupgrade <--- grants a level 2 upgrade to fire explosive ammo
summon/give flamecannon <--- get the mancubus flamethrower 50 ammo
summon/give flamethrower <--- DOES NOTHING IN D4WeaponsForBDV2b
summon/give hellishmissilelauncher <--- gives revenant missile launcher + 4 ammo
summon/give minihellrocketammo <--- GIVES SOMETHING BUT NOT SURE WHAT
summon/give goldwandammo <--- GIVES SOMETHING BUT NOT SURE WHAT
summon/give minimissiles <--- I think this is D4WeaponsForBDV2b related only, gives ammo for LMG missiles
summon/give bfg9000 <--- even the console is happy to see you acquired this
summon/give meatammo <--- increases health of meatshield (enemies you're using as a shield)
summon/give givearmor <--- 2 points for your armour
summon/give lightarmor <--- green armor
summon/give chexarmor <--- same as light armor
summon/give greenarmor <--- same as lightarmor
summon/give heavyarmor <--- blue armor
summon/give bluearmor <--- same as heavyarmor
summon/give superchexarmor <--- same as heavyarmor
summon/give bluearmorformegasphere <--- same as heavyarmor IN D4WeaponsForBDV2b
summon nightvision <--- In D4WeaponsForBDV2b a floating robot spawns which upgrades your selected weapon by pressing action on the UAC container its holding underneath
summon nightvisiongiver <--- spawns nightvision goggles in front of you
give nightvision <--- You get nightvision for a few minutes. All enemies and friendlies light up in vision
summon/give timefreezer2 <--- gives some powerup with an ugly face inside it
summon/give invulnerabilitysphere <--- grants you immunity to anything for a bit of time
summon/give demonrunerevenant <--- turns you into a revenant for a few minutes
summon/give demonrunebaron <--- turns you into a baron of hell for a few minutes
give all <--- literally gives everything including all guns, upgrades, ammo, full health, heavy armour and all keycards+skeleton keys for the level
summon explosivebarrel <--- spawn those glowing green toxic barrels
summon burningbarrel <--- barrel with fire in it
changemap * <--- (Input the entry name of the level i.e. E1M8, E2M5, Map01, Map17, Map31, etc. Allows you to skip to a designated level of your choice)

god <--- no damage when on. Type in again to turn off
god2 <--- god2 is the God command plus immunity to being telefragged
noclip <--- walls have no effect on you when on. Type in again to turn off
take all <--- removes everything you have, including your fists!
warp x y <--- teleport immediately to given x y numbers e.g 'warp 24 21'
fly <--- you can now fly. Just look around and walk forward in that direction. Walls still stop you, can be used with noclip to fly around looking for stuff
resurrect <-- if you're dead, this will bring you back to life with whatever you had the moment you died
notarget <--- Invisible to your enemies unless you hit them. You can't alert enemies by taunting them or shooting without hitting them
Buddha <--- You can get damaged but you'll never die.
Buddha2 <--- Buddha2 makes you unkillable to telefragging
drop <--- does something but dont know what
playsound x <--- replace x with sometihng to play a specific sound, not sure how to use this
dumpclasses <--- lists everything the game has loaded, including actors, weapons, mods, skins, effects etc. (WARNING: thousands of items!)
dumpclasses x <--- replace x with something from the dumpclasses list you get when using the dumpclasses command. Will show all things under what you typed
dumpclasses weapon <--- lists all weapons loaded into the game and you can summon
dumpclasses inventory <--- lists all inventory you can summon
dumpclasses armor <--- lists all armor you can summon
dumpclasses actor <--- Complete list of actors with the game and/or mod you're using. EXTREMELY USEFUL
printx <--- replace x with something to display a string from a string table (not sure where that is, though)
printinv <--- List what you currently have in your inventory

summon/give demonPickup/DemonPickup2 <--- (The first gives only 2 armour while the second give 4 health and 2 armour. They're also the Demon Tech Rifle's ammo)
summon/give demonMorphRune <--- (Transform into a Revenant)
Summon DropedPistol <--- (You'll need to use this and the ones below if you want to dual wield these specific weapons; Give All command doesn't give you dual wield and other commands like 'Give DualSSG' are very buggy)
Summon DropedRevolver
Summon DropedSSG
Summon DropedASG
Summon DropedRifle
Summon DropedCarbine
Summon DropedPlasma
Summon DropedM2Plasma
Summon/Give DemonPickup/DemonPickup2 <--- (The first gives only 2 armour while the second give 4 health and 2 armour. They're also the Demon Tech Rifle's ammo)
Summon/Give DemonMorphRune <--- (Transform into a Revenant)

There are codes for poison bullets and lots of other things but I don't think they're Brutal Doom related so I didn't put them in. You can summon almost anything in the game, just check the 'dumpclasses actor' command to see what you can summon!

I really hope this helps a lot of people out there. I was completely new to Doom, I had never played a Doom game before. This was my first one. It was incredible, the story, the visuals, everything. A rollercoaster ride of emotions. And to think I played it on a standard office laptop!

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
All Collectible Locations

Brutal Doom Commands List


Note: This is the 2016 game by iD Software, not to be confused with the 1993 game Doom by iD Software.

Cheat Codes

While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes at the console window and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. This will mark you as a 'Cheater' and disable online game play. Enter the code again to disable it. To play again without the cheater flag, restart the game, then start a new game or load a non-cheat saved game file.

Result Cheat Code
God modeGod
All classic Doom level locations

Go to the indicated location in each mission and pull the switch to activate a classic Doom level nearby.

Hidden Demon Destruction mini-game

In the 'Lazarus Labs' mission, reach the room with the DOOM character's crypt in it. On the left side of the room is a screen you can interact with to play the Demon Destruction mini-game. The game is similar to Bejeweled and Candy Crush, but with demons. You can complete the 'Time Well Spent' challenge on that mission for playing it.

Hidden Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 mini-game

In Mission 8: Advanced Research Complex, go to the following location. Then, open the airlock on the door straight ahead. When the door opens, enter the room and jump on the containers straight ahead to find the Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3 mini-game hidden behind the containers.

All Rune Trials

There are a total of 12 Rune Trials. Complete all of them to get 'The Circle Is Complete' achievement. Each Rune Trial unlocks a rune that can be used in the campaign. The runes activate gameplay bonuses such as more ammo drops, enemies drop armor on glory kill, etc. You can level up runes by using them to increase their effect. You must max out all of them to get the 'IDDQD' achievement. To view the location of all runes, check out the All Collectible Locations guide.


    1. Vacuum - 0:05
    2. Dazed & Confused - 0:47
    3. Ammo Boost - 1:23
    4. Equipment Power - 2:16
    5. Seek And Destroy - 2:51
    6. Savagery - 3:49
    7. In-Flight Mobility - 4:27
    8. Armored Offensive - 5:04
    9. Blood Fueled - 5:51
    10. Intimacy Is Best - 6:41
    11. Rich Get Richer - 7:24
    12. Saving Throw - 8:23
Defeating the Cyberdemon

The Cyberdemon is the first boss in the game. You fight him at the end of Mission 9 (Lazarus Labs). The fight is fairly easy. In the first phase, he mostly fires rockets which you can easily dodge by running in circles around him. When he uses the laser beam, just do a double jump to the side. A great weapon to down him quickly is the Heavy Assault Rifle with the Micro Missiles Mod. The missiles inflict a lot of damage quickly. When his health is depleted, he will respawn again with a full health bar. He will now be throwing some projectiles at you. Do one jump (not a double jump) to dodge them. There is also a checkpoint at the start of the second phase. When the second phase starts, immediately use the BFG to take away a lot of his health. Then, use the Heavy Assault Rifle or Plasma Rifle to kill him while dodging the projectiles.

Defeating the Hell Guards

The Hell Guards is the second Boss in the game. You fight them at the end of Mission 11: Necropolis. The fight consists of two phases. In the first phase, you fight only one of the Hell Guards. He has a shield and you can only damage him when the shield is down. Use a weapon that deals a lot of damage with each hit. The Gauss Cannon with Precision Bolt mod is recommended. Try to get headshots while using it. When he jumps at you, there will be some fire on the ground -- so make sure you jump when he does to evade the attack. Basically, all attacks the Hell Guards do can be evaded by double jumping (in both phases of the fight). In the second phase, there are two Hell Guards, but they do not use shields -- so you can kill them very quickly. When the second phase starts, use the BFG on the two enemies. This will take away a large portion of their health. The Heavy Assault Rifle with Micro Missiles mod deals a lot of damage. It also causes the enemies to drop health and ammo. Simply run around them in big circles and shoot rockets at them to quickly kill them.

Defeating Spider Mastermind

Spider Mastermind is the final Boss in the game. You fight her at the end of Mission 13: Argent D'Nur. This Boss has a lot of health. Make sure to enter this fight with full ammo for the BFG. There are two more ammo pick-ups in the Boss fight area.Shoot the Boss with the BFG in the brain. This will stun her. Quickly switch to your most powerful weapon and shoot the brain. While she is stunned from the BFG, you have a few seconds to deal huge damage. With a total of 5 BFG hits in the face and some weapon attacks, you can take away over half her health in a minute. The chaingun with the Mobile Turret mod works very well for shooting the Boss while stunned. It deals the most damage. For the rest of the fight, you can use the Gauss Rifle with the Precision Bolt mod. Just make sure you always aim at the brain. Hitting the legs does not inflict much damage. The Boss uses the following attacks and they can be countered in the indicated ways:

    Electric Floor AOE attack: It will electrify the entire room. You must climb a pillar to stay safe. It deals a lot of damage if you do not get to safety.

    Lasers: Evade by crouching/jumping.

    Melee: Only used when the Boss comes close to you. Keep your distance on higher difficulties. On easy this does not matter much.

    Plasma Rifle: It will shoot at you. It is easy to evade by walking around the Boss in big circles or double jumping to the side when she shoots at you.


Note: There is no checkpoint during the final Boss fight.

Happy Birthday Easter Egg

During the 'Titan's Realm' mission, you will reach an cavern area with lots of enemies and a yellow booster platform at the back. Walk up the stairs to your right and follow the wall along the second floor to the end. There is a hidden room behind a crack in the wall that you can jump up to reach. Although it looks like it is too small to get through the crack, you can enter the wall to find a skeleton with a party hat on and a 'Happy Birthday!' balloon and cake next to him.

Dopefish reference

The Dopefish can be found as the logo on boxes of ramen noodles from 'Dopechan Noodles' found in various areas.

Fallout series reference

At the start the game in the Prologue where you wake up and leave the area he was kept in, look at the bottom of the security door. You can see that a Mixom Manufacturing sticker has partially slid down, revealing that it was covering a Vault-Tec logo.

Skyrim reference

In Mission 6, search the area near where you first encounter the Baron of Hell in the Kadingir Sanctum to find a cave with a hidden lever and a skeleton. The skeleton is wearing a Dovahkiin horned helmet and was shot in the knee with an arrow.

Terminator reference

Jump into lava in the 'Foundry' mission to sink to your death while giving the thumbs up.

Easy 'A Toe Into Madness' achievement

To get the 'A Toe Into Madness' achievement, you must complete the first mission on the Ultra-Nightmare difficulty. This is a hardcore mode without checkpoints. If you die, you respawn at the very beginning of the mission. On this difficulty, you die in 3-4 hits and gain very little health and armor from pick-ups. The best strategy is to bait the enemies. Try to let them come to you one by one and stay as far back as possible. Use the alternate fire on the pistol to zoom in. A charge shot with the pistol can kill some enemies in one hit. The smallest enemies are easily defeated with melee attacks. This will drop more health than shooting them and saves ammo. Additionally, make sure you buy the 'Explosive Shot' mod for the shotgun at the field drone. It lets you fire a grenade that kills most enemies on a direct hit. It also has really good range and splash damage to kill multiple targets at once.

Easy 'Argent Fiend' achievement

Progress in the single player campaign until you reach the final Boss. If you still have not fully upgraded health, armor, and ammo capacity, quit and replay the missions to get the collectables. Then, complete the campaign once you have fully upgraded health, armor, and ammo capacity to get the 'Argent Fiend' achievement.

Steam achievements

Brutal Doom 64 Console Commands

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.

Doom Console Commands Gzdoom

    E1M1: Complete the first mission of the campaign.
    Knee-Deep in the Dead: Complete the campaign on 'I'm Too Young to Die', 'Hurt Me Plenty', 'Ultra Violence', or 'Nightmare'.
    A Toe into Madness: Complete The UAC on Ultra-Nightmare.
    Up Close and Personal: Kill 50 enemies using the Chainsaw.
    Specialist: Earn the Mastery for a weapon mod.
    IDKFA: Earn the Masteries for all weapon mods.
    Hot Swapper: Acquire all weapon mods.
    Historian: Find all Data Logs.
    Timing is Everything: Use explosive barrels to kill 100 enemies.
    Every Nook and Cranny: Find all Collectibles.
    Argent Overload: Fully upgrade Health, Armor, or Ammo capacity.
    Argent Fiend: Fully upgrade Health, Armor, and Ammo capacity on a single campaign run.
    A Gift from Beyond: Earn a Rune.
    The Circle is Complete: Earn all Runes.
    Tinkering: Fully upgrade a Praetor Suit category.
    Overclocked: Fully upgrade all Praetor Suit categories on a single campaign run.
    Thorough Shopper: Complete all Challenges for a single mission.
    Butcher: Perform 200 Glory Kills.
    Rip and Tear: Glory Kill all common enemy types in the campaign.
    Juicin' it up: Kill 150 enemies while using Power Ups.
    Momentum Shift: Upgrade a Rune.
    IDDQD: Upgrade all Runes.
    What Else Ya Got?: Complete all Mission Challenges.
    IPXSETUP.EXE: Win a Multiplayer match.
    Combat tested, Doomguy approved: Reach Level 5 in Multiplayer.
    Shareware: Create and publish a SnapMap.
    No Rest for the Living: Play 5 published SnapMaps.
    Entryway: Complete the SnapMap Basic and Advanced Tutorials.
    Shoot it Until it Dies: Defeat the Cyberdemon.
    Outnumbered? No Problem: Defeat the Hell Guards.
    Who's Next?: Defeat the Spider Mastermind.
    Into the Unknown: Warp to Hell.
    An Old Friend: Acquire the BFG.

The following achievements require the 'Unto The Evil' bonus downloadable content:

    Computing with Style: Play a Multiplayer Match with a piece of Robotic Armor equipped.
    Marked for Death: Kill 10 enemies with the EMG Mark V Pistol in Multiplayer.
    Motion in the Explosion: Kill 5 enemies with the Kinetic Mine in Multiplayer.
    Sitting Duck: Use a taunt from 'Unto the Evil' Content Pack during a Multiplayer Match.
    Tenderizing the Crops: Kill 10 enemies with the Harvester demon in Multiplayer.