Endless Legend Broken Lords Heroes

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Endless legends 2

Endless Legends 2

Endless Legend Broken Lords Heroes

Endless Legend is considered part of the Endless Universe. Another sunrise, another day of toil. Food must be grown, industries built, science and magic advanced, and wealth collected. Urgency drives these simple efforts, however, for your planet holds a history of unexplained apocalypse, and the Winter you just survived was the worst on record. Endless Legend is a turn based 4X fantasy-strategy game developed by Amplitude Studios and published by Iceberg Interactive for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X in September 2014. The purpose of the game is to dominate the world of Auriga with one of the eleven races/factions through either diplomacy or war while developing new technologies, exploring new lands and founding new cities.

If you're looking for something new and fresh in the 4x genre or strategy games in general, you will not be disappointed. This is truly a gemIf you're looking for something new and fresh in the 4x genre or strategy games in general, you will not be disappointed. This is truly a gem of a game.
It boasts a beautiful UI, streamlined game play, fresh approach to combat, depth in gameplay, 8 UNIQUE factions, gorgeous campaign map, that will have you hooked. I've been playing PC based strategy games for almost two decades now, and have played almost every major game you can name. With so many disappointing releases lately from AAA franchises this is truly one game you should get your hands on. While not perfect, this small Indie company is fully supporting their game with a very open dialogue with their community.
This game made me create an account and post my positive review.